本文关键词:软岩非线性蠕变损伤特性及锚固机理研究 出处:《辽宁工程技术大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 蠕变 损伤 分数阶 参数辨识 端锚粘结式锚杆 粘结滑移模型 数值模拟
[Abstract]:Creep is an important mechanical characteristics of rock materials, many geotechnical engineering problems are closely related to the creep effect, creep of rock for actual engineering has attracted wide attention of scholars at home and abroad. The creep characteristics of soft rock underground engineering and anchoring mechanism is a hot research issue, through experimental research, research methods combining theoretical analysis and numerical simulation, the creep characteristics of the basic mechanical properties of mudstone, the nonlinear creep model, parameter identification and anchoring the interfacial bond slip relationship was studied, and the research results are applied to the analysis of the supporting structure of soft rock roadway in GaoJiaLiang coal mine, the main work is as follows: (1) the conventional uniaxial compression test of mudstone, the strength and deformation characteristics of mudstone, obtain the basic mechanical characteristic parameters which are determined according to the compressive strength of mudstone. Graded loading grade and strength creep tests were carried out. The mudstone grading loading creep test of single axis and three axis by using three axial test of rock, different loading paths including constant confining pressure, grade of axial compression; axial pressure constant grade creep characteristics under confining pressure of mudstone were studied by the different loading paths and different variation of deformation characteristics of mudstone creep stress and creep rate under the level; (2) the creep process of rock creep process as linear and nonlinear superposition, reference modeling method of component model, variable viscosity coefficient FC element containing fractional calculus instead of Newton dashpot with Kelvin, the spring element in series, while the introduction of damage variables considering load level and time effect, this paper presents a new five component nonlinear creep damage model, simulate the whole process of mudstone creep becomes better, Especially the mudstone accelerated creep stage, and derived the constitutive equation and creep equation; (3) the characteristics of graded loading creep model parameters based on multi methods, with a genetic cross factor improved particle swarm algorithm and least square method of joint inversion in this paper, according to the mudstone creep test data, the proposed nonlinear creep the five element damage model parameters are identified, obtained the parameters reasonable value; (4) to study on the anchoring mechanism of the anchor bond type anchor, end anchor pull-out test. Using the configuration of 5 kinds of cement mortar reinforced cement mortar and the bond strength of the interface, get the best mix proportion is presented. According to the indoor based on the test results, derived end bolt and mortar interface after elastic load transfer, the mathematical model of 3 stages of plastic softening and slip; (5) will contain a fractional order A program of this constitutive equation nonlinear creep damage model of five elements, the FLAC3D constitutive model is developed based on the two. Combined with the end of bolt - derived mortar interface in elastic state, the mathematical model of 3 stages of plastic softening and slip, the GaoJiaLiang coal mine soft rock supporting structure for numerical simulation analysis based on the FLAC3D software. The displacement field before and after the supporting and stress field were calculated and analyzed. The numerical calculation results and field monitoring data were analyzed to test the control effect of combined supporting of soft rock roadway deformation.
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