本文关键词:生土材料在现代语境中的诠释 出处:《南京大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 生土 现代 材料改性 建造技术 发展分析 规范
[Abstract]:Adobe is both ancient and modern building materials. The "old" refers to the raw materials widely, almost all occurred in the beginning of civilization; "modern" refers to the earth engineering because of its good physical properties, environment friendly features and artistic expression in contemporary attention and development. This paper focuses on the material in in the modern context of interpretation, from the raw materials, construction technology, development mechanism, standards, industry organizations, with the aid of the practical case, discuss how to build the modern earth architecture, how to achieve the good quality of adobe building and building effect. This thesis consists of eight chapters. The first chapter is the introduction part, mainly introduces the research the object, research significance, research status, research methods and research framework. To summarize the adobe building the domestic and foreign research situation, points out the existence of adobe building in China and the problems Study on the difference and significance. The main technology and principle of destruction are summarized in the second chapter of traditional Adobe construction. It is pointed out that the traditional adobe building is the foundation of modern earth architecture. And through the common failure and its mechanism on earth architecture analysis, try to put forward a solution, starting from the problem, open the third chapter to the seventh chapter. Is the main part of this paper. Among them, the third chapter discusses the preparation of material testing and material of modern earth construction, including soil composition, properties and criterion, modified materials and the principle of the content. The fourth chapter discusses the modern earth architecture design and construction technology process. According to the logical order, the construction process from site, foundation the mouth of the cave, and the roof, wall, floor, decoration, and physical equipment and maintenance aspects, combined with the case, elaborated the modern earth construction technology and total nodes. The fifth chapter discusses The motive force of the development and the development direction of modern earth building, for the development of power, discussed from two aspects of Humanities and technology, the direction of development, put forward three directions and elaborate. The sixth chapter discusses the modern earth building standards and industry organizations. A comparative study of the standard specification of Adobe building part of the country's development, pointed out its significance. Overview of development of international and domestic industry organizations, points out that the effective way to understand and participate in the international communication industry is the integration of advanced productive forces. The seventh chapter built on the part of modern earth case are summarized, and the production of case index table, provides an intuitive way to study from an empirical perspective for the modern development of adobe building present situation. The eighth chapter is the conclusion part of this paper, summarizes the research work done on this article, and try to point out the future research and practice direction.
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