本文关键词:建筑火灾后混凝土的性能研究及实用鉴定方法 出处:《华北水利水电大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 混凝土 试验研究 高温 冷却方式 力学性能 鉴定方法
[Abstract]:With the continuous progress of the society and city level, making all kinds of building fire frequency increased rapidly, and a serious threat to people's lives and property safety. At present, the use of all kinds of people's production and life of the building, road and bridge construction, water conservancy construction and various special structure widely used in bearing materials for concrete. Concrete is a kind of multiphase, artificial composite thermal inertia, which is mainly composed of sand and cement as a binder is as coarse aggregate and water according to a certain proportion, with durable good performance, fire resistance performance and overall performance. If the concrete materials for a long time in high temperature environment next, or is suddenly confronted with high temperature, can make significant changes to the physical and chemical properties of concrete materials. Most of the experts and scholars of different after high temperature Research on the performance of concrete, the main consideration is the effect of different temperature effects on which it produces, in addition, different cooling methods, over time, the influence of concrete strength grade of the factors such as the less consideration. For more accurate analysis of concrete at high temperature or after fire the performance, so we need to consider the mechanical properties and temperature of concrete over time, the relationship between the factors of cooling and so on, and the concrete structure evaluation in high temperature or after fire and repair reinforcement work. This paper provides the basis for a number of concrete strength grade after different heating temperature, different. Time and different cooling methods after compressive mechanical properties were carried out experimental research and theoretical analysis of necessity. At the same time, combined with the real Check the results, put forward the feasible concrete structure after fire identification method. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) a test fire of various types of different strength grade of concrete, the experimental results show that with the continuation of a fire temperature and time of concrete materials suffered, the apparent color produced from shallow to deep changes, in addition, the specimen also appeared in the corners and lack of exfoliation phenomenon more and more serious. At the same time, the physical properties after high temperature in fire or the outer surface of the concrete material, such as surface color, appearance quality damage, reduce variations with temperature and fire time. To calculate the fire temperature roughly by these physical changes, and for the structure of the fire or high temperature after the detection, identification and reinforcement for supporting repair; (2) using the international standard ISO-834 The temperature curves of concrete specimens were burned experiments, and selected different over time, the concrete temperature of specimen are discussed; (3) the influence of different heating temperature, try to change the compressive mechanical properties of different fire time multiple strength grade of concrete with different strength grade this paper given the concrete test set and test temperature based on the temperature and cooling processing, data fitting specimens from relation between the compressive strength of concrete after fire and the fire temperature and time out of use; (4) the test of different cooling treatment after fire the influence of compressive strength of concrete. The concrete materials subjected to fire on after cooling water treatment effect make its compressive strength have changed The internal causes and regularity of change; (5) the results of basic research results obtained by the experiment and summarizes concrete structure testing and repair on the burned reinforcement methods, the identification method establishes a feasible and practical concrete after fire. In general, this paper attempts to study the essential properties of concrete after the fire, some important conclusions are obtained and the structure identification method is practical, this method can be used for practical engineering in the future and the subsequent strengthening and repair work.
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