发布时间:2018-01-21 02:28
本文关键词: 长三角地区 城市化 气温变化 城镇建成区面积 出处:《东华大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:为了评估区域城市化对气温的影响,从而了解中国长三角地区城市化的气候效应,基于国内外已经将DMSP/OLS灯光数据广泛用于估算城镇人口、耗电量、国内生产总值(GDP),分析城市面积扩展对土地资源的影响,分析城市热岛效应的城市监测等研究,本文采用均一化处理后的国家气象站气温观测资料以及美国军事气象卫星计划/线性扫描业务系统观测的非辐射定标夜间灯光数据,分别运用线性倾向估计法和灯光阈值提取法,分析了长三角近二十年来的气温变化特征和城市化空间扩展进程,以及两者之间存在的联系,并在研究城市化空间扩展的基础上,选取城镇建成区面积演变进程较快的城市为研究对象,利用MODIS地温反演数据对该城市的全年和四季逐年的热岛强度演变进程进行分析,以便进一步验证城市化对城市温度的影响。主要结论如下: (1)1992-2007年期间长江三角洲地区经历了一个快速的城镇建成区空间扩展过程,且城市之间出现了连片趋势,区域内部存在着较大差异,其基本态势是以上海市为中心,城市化水平向外围逐渐递减;1992-2000年间城市群的城镇建成区扩展速度较慢;2000-2007年间城市群的城镇建成区扩展速度明显加快。 1992-2007年期间长三角地区16个城市的城镇建成区扩展模式大概分为四类:由“市区”到“市区+斑点”、由“市区”到“市区”、由“市区+斑点”到“连成一片”和由“市区+斑点”到“市区、斑点同步发展”。 (2)长三角地区的城镇建成区面积扩张反映出的城市化,在一定程度上影响了城市的气温变化。近二十年(1989-2007)来,整个长三角地区年、季平均气温都呈上升趋势,其中年平均气温线性增温率为0.8℃/10a,春季增温率最高,达1.1℃/10a,冬季的增温率最低,为0.5℃/10a。 (3)1989-2007年期间,长三角地区16个城市的年、季平均气温的增温趋势大体和整个长三角地区保持一致。16个城市的年平均气温线性增温率介于0.6~1.0℃/10a之间,增温率呈现空间非均匀分布特征,其中1989-1999年间的年平均气温波动性较大,而在2000-2007年间的气温波动性较小。1989-2007年间,16个城市的季平均气温增温率及波动性也呈现空间非均匀特征;春、夏、秋3个季节的平均气温波动性基本上也以2000年左右为分界线,之前波动性较大,之后波动性较小;冬季以1997年为界,之前波动较小,之后波动较大。 (4)整体上,2001-2007年间的年平均气温线性增温率要比1989-2000年间的增温率高。就季平均气温线性增温率而言,16个城市中大部分城市在1989-2000年间春、冬季气温增温率要比2001-2007年间要高,春季和夏季正好相反。长三角地区在1989-2000年和2001-2007年两时段的年平均气温差值为0.8℃;在两个时段四季的平均气温差值中,春季最大为1.0℃,冬季最小为0.6℃。 (5)1992-2007年和2000-2007年间城镇建成区面积变化与年、季平均气温的变化具有较好的一致性。在1989-2007年时间段,长三角地区城镇建成区扩展主要影响春季平均气温的增大,整个长三角地区春季平均气温的线性增温率为1.13℃/10a。通过MODIS地温反演数据对苏州、上海和嘉兴三个城市2001-2007年间的各级热岛强度面积的逐年演变过程进行分析,发现苏州、上海的热岛区和过渡区呈逐年波动增加趋势,温度较低区呈逐年波动减小趋势,对应于城镇建成区的扩展趋势。
[Abstract]:In order to influence on the temperature of the assessment area of the city, so as to understand the climatic effects of China city in the Yangtze River Delta region, based on the domestic and foreign DMSP/OLS has been widely used to estimate the light data of urban population, consumption, gross domestic product (GDP), analysis of city area expansion of the land resources, analysis of the city monitoring of urban heat island effect, this paper the national weather station temperature data normalized after treatment and a US military meteorological satellite program / non linear scanning radiation observation service system calibration of night light data, using linear trend estimation and light threshold extraction method, analyzes the variation characteristics of temperature and the Yangtze River Delta city spatial expansion process in the past twenty years, there are and the relationship between the two, and in the study of city spatial expansion on the selection of urban built-up area evolution process faster Based on the MODIS geothermal inversion data, this paper analyzes the evolution process of urban heat island intensity in the whole year and four seasons, so as to further verify the impact of urbanization on urban temperature.
(1) during the period of 1992-2007 in Yangtze River Delta region has experienced a process of expansion of built-up area of urban space, the city and the contiguous trend, there are big differences within the region, the basic situation in Shanghai city as the center, city level decreased gradually to the periphery; expand slower built-up area during 1992-2000 city the town built area in 2000-2007 city; urban expansion group significantly faster.
During the period of 1992-2007 in the Yangtze River Delta 16 city urban expansion pattern roughly divided into four categories: from "urban" to "urban + spots", from "city" to "city", from "urban + spots" to "one piece" and the "urban + spots" to "city, spot synchronous development".
(2) in the Yangtze River Delta urban built-up area expansion reflects the city, influence of temperature change of the city to a certain extent. In recent twenty years (1989-2007), the Yangtze River Delta region, season average temperature rise, the annual average temperature of 0.8 degrees linear warming rate of /10a, increasing in spring the temperature was the highest, up to 1.1 DEG /10a, warming in winter was the lowest, 0.5 C /10a.
(3) during the 1989-2007 years, the 16 city of the Yangtze River Delta region, the warming trend of seasonal mean temperature in the Yangtze River Delta region and keep the annual average temperature of linear uniform.16 city between the rate of temperature increase between 0.6 to 1 DEG /10a, the warming rate showed spatial heterogeneity, of which 1989-1999 years the average annual the temperature fluctuation, and in 2000-2007 Years the temperature fluctuation of smaller.1989-2007 years, the average temperature of 16 city seasonal warming rate and the volatility also showed space heterogeneity; spring, summer, autumn 3 season average temperature fluctuation basically in 2000 as the dividing line, before fluctuation later, less volatility; winter in 1997, before the small fluctuations, after fluctuations.
(4) on the whole, the annual average temperature during 2001-2007 linear warming rate higher than warming during 1989-2000. The season average temperature linear warming rate, 16 in the city most of the city during the period of 1989-2000 in spring, winter temperature warming rate is higher than 2001-2007 years, spring and summer is on the contrary. The Yangtze River Delta region in 1989-2000 and 2001-2007 two times the annual average temperature difference is 0.8 DEG C; the average temperature difference of the two seasons in the spring period, the maximum is 1 DEG C, winter minimum is 0.6 degree Celsius.
(5) the built-up area change and 1992-2007 years and 2000-2007 Years of town, consistent with the change of season average temperature. In 1989-2007 years time, built area of Yangtze River Delta urban expansion mainly affect the increase of average temperature in spring, the entire Yangtze River Delta region, the average temperature of the linear spring warming rate is 1.13 DEG /10a. by MODIS the temperature inversion data of Suzhou were analyzed, the intensity of heat island area of Shanghai and Jiaxing at three city during 2001-2007 year by year evolution found in Suzhou, Shanghai island area and transition area showed an increasing trend fluctuation, the low temperature region was gradually reduce the fluctuation trend, the corresponding area in the town built expansion trend.
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