本文关键词: 短时冻土 残积土边坡 水热场 耦合 二维差分 出处:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Fujian Province, located in short permafrost areas, permafrost area has formed short freeze-thaw cycle is short in winter, freezing and thawing permafrost in frequent shallow ice melts of the shallow layer of high moisture content. The field survey showed that short-time permafrost Residual Soil Slope Shallow freeze-thaw the collapse happened frequently, caused great difficulties to the local highway maintenance, but the related basic theory research has not been paid attention to. Based on the above, this article uses the literature and engineering investigation, laboratory test, field test and theoretical analysis method combining the obtained Fujian typical Residual Soil Hydrothermal parameters and freezing characteristics, short-term preparation of permafrost residual soil slope calculation program of water heat coupling, analysis of climate characteristics in permafrost regions and short slope soil moisture characteristics, the permafrost slope hydrothermal changes in North Fujian. The main research. The theory is as follows: (1) according to the two typical residual soil freezing experiment showed that soil freezing temperature range of -1 DEG -2 DEG, soil freezing temperature range of -6.5 -7.5 DEG C; and the higher water content, salt content is low, soil freezing temperature rise. (2) the comprehensive use of function the fitting and the average value is determined, the boundary conditions are considered evaporation, solar radiation, net radiation, heat convection and evaporation, based on the Harlan model, through grasping the MATLAB programming calculation program for short-term frozen area of residual soil slope water heat coupling. (3) the test section of frozen period in 2013.12 to 2014.2, the lowest temperature is -4.4 DEG C during the freezing period; the weather with cloudy and cloudy days, radiation is generally lower than 850W/m2, the lowest 21W/m2 emission peak; low temperature days of each month were 8D, 10d, 14d, frozen period of freezing and thawing frequently, there were 18 times of freeze-thaw cycle Among them, 16 times a day 1 times two days of freezing and thawing, freezing and thawing, 1 times six days in freezing and thawing; very low temperature can reach -7 to -8 DEG C, the temperature decreases with the increase of latitude or elevation of temperature; cooling effect on the slope depth of about 25cm; the slope soil temperature changes with time showed a positive cosine law the temperature change and lag 2-3H; range of daily evaporation of soil moisture is 0.001/d ~ 0.003/d. (4) results can be calculated by the model: Northern Slope freezing depth range of 0-15cm, the slope 5h above freezing and thawing, the slope surface is easy to form stable ice; test period of a day of freezing and thawing, frozen soil up to 5h, six days of freezing and thawing, soil freezing up to 32H; the temperature in soil freezing duration under the temperature below 1.5h, the soil is not easy to freeze; the air humidity is high, evaporation is small, the soil slope deep freeze and freeze thawing duration is large (5) soil factors. The sensitivity of influencing factors on soil freezing depth is: salt content, initial moisture content, dry density and soil aggregate specific heat. The sensitivity of influencing factors on soil freezing depth is: daily minimum temperature, solar radiation, air humidity.
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