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发布时间:2018-02-20 15:08

  本文关键词: 裂隙模型 浆液 静水 动水 数值模拟 出处:《河南理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Grouting technology is one of the effective means to reinforce, block water and prevent seepage in civil engineering. At present, compared with the rapid development of grouting technology, grouting equipment and grouting materials, the development of grouting theory, especially the theory of fissure grouting, is relatively lagging behind. Therefore, it is necessary to study this problem. On the basis of previous studies, this paper has established the unidirectional flow model of plate fractures under hydrostatic conditions, the radial flow model of plate fractures, the unidirectional flow model of elliptical fractures, and the model of unidirectional flow of flat fractures under hydrostatic conditions. The wedge-shaped fracture model and the plate fracture model under hydrodynamic conditions are used to study the flow characteristics of the grouting fluid by theoretical derivation and numerical simulation based on Fluent. The results show that under the hydrostatic condition, the flow characteristics of the slurry are studied. For plate fracture model and elliptical fracture unidirectional flow model, the slurry pressure drop is directly proportional to the slurry viscosity and is proportional to the slurry flow rate. It is inversely proportional to the square of crack opening. The unidirectional flow model of flat plate fracture and the one-way flow model of elliptical fissure are two kinds of models, the fracture is not expanded, and the pressure drop is proportional to the distance of slurry diffusion. The crack of radial flow model of plate fissure is extended fissure, the pressure drop and diffusion radius are logarithmic, the crack opening has the most significant influence on the pressure drop of slurry, the slurry flows in the shrinkage wedge fissure, The slurry pressure decreases and the gradient increases with the diffusion of the slurry, and the slurry pressure decreases and decreases with the diffusion of the slurry in a diffusive wedge fissure. The shape of slurry diffusion is similar to ellipse. The larger the velocity of groundwater is, the narrower the area of slurry diffusion will be and the more easily the slurry will be diluted, which is not conducive to grouting plugging, the greater the grouting pressure, the greater the degree of crack opening and the smaller the viscosity of the slurry. The lower the groundwater pressure is, the more favorable the grouting pressure is. With the extension of grouting time, the velocity of the front surface of the slurry decreases and the gradient decreases. The grouting pressure at the grouting hole is the largest, and with the diffusion of the grouting fluid, the velocity of the grouting front decreases and the gradient decreases with the extension of the grouting time. The slurry pressure decreases and the gradient decreases.


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