发布时间:2018-02-26 17:13
本文关键词: 基础隔震 时程分析 输入地震动 隔震效果 出处:《重庆大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着社会的发展,特别是近几来年,隔震结构在地震中表现出较好的隔震效果,隔震技术得到越来越多的关注。经过几十年的发展,隔震技术在理论分析、实验、隔震支座的设计等都已经逐渐成熟。本文包括两个方面的研究:第一部分是隔震结构动力时程分析输入地震动选择的研究,第二部分是不规则偏心结构采用橡胶铅芯隔震、摩擦滑移隔震、组合隔震的隔震效果对比分析。分析叙述如下: ①选择合理的地震波,对结构地震时程分析至关重要。因此,本文针对目前隔震结构动力时程分析输入地震动选择按结构隔震前的T1选取或采用经典地震波进行隔震结构输入地震动研究,提出按结构隔震后的T1选波进行隔震结构时程分析。以大量实际地震动记录为基础,采用双频段选波法分别按结构隔震前的T1和隔震后的T1选取两组地震波,并对地震动按70%地震能量持时进行地震持时分类。利用SAP2000建立框架结构模型,输入所选记录进行时程分析,考察结构响应参数(底层剪力、楼层顶点位移和最大层间位移)。计算结果显示,按结构隔震后T1选波分析,结构响应离散性明显小于按结构隔震前T1选波分析所得地震响应的离散性,按隔震后结构T1选波作为隔震结构输入地震更为合理。长持时地震作用下隔震结构破坏程度大于短持时地震作用,长持时地震动对隔震结构更为不利。因此,建议对于隔震结构除了按T1、Tg选波外,还需考虑地震持时至少选取一条长持时地震波。 ②建立“L”形偏心结构模型,分别采用铅芯橡胶隔震、摩擦滑移隔震以及组合隔震,,考察结构响应参数(层间剪力、层间位移、层间扭转角),对比三种不同隔震措施的隔震效果,并改变支座型号(等效刚度)或摩擦系数两个参数,分析两个参数对隔震结构隔震效果的影响。结果表明:采用铅芯橡胶隔震、滑移隔震和组合隔震,可大幅度降低上部结构地震反应,结构的扭转变形主要集中在隔震层,上部结构最大层间扭转角值都很小,隔震结构的抗扭性能很好;合理地选择铅芯橡胶支座的型号(等效刚度)、滑动支座的摩擦系数,组合隔震可以具备比铅芯橡胶隔震和摩擦滑移隔震更好的隔震效果。建议对不规则偏心结构进行隔震设计时采用组合隔震。
[Abstract]:With the development of society, especially in recent years, isolation structure has shown better isolation effect in earthquake, and isolation technology has been paid more and more attention. After decades of development, isolation technology has been theoretically analyzed and tested. The design of isolation bearings has been gradually matured. This paper includes two aspects: the first part is the study on the selection of input ground motion in dynamic time-history analysis of isolated structures, and the second part is the use of rubber lead core isolation for irregular eccentric structures. Comparative analysis of the effect of friction sliding isolation and combination isolation. The analysis and description are as follows:. 1 the selection of reasonable seismic wave is very important for structural seismic time history analysis. In this paper, the input ground motion of isolated structures is studied according to T1 before isolation or by classical seismic waves. Based on a large number of actual ground motion records, two sets of seismic waves are selected according to T1 before structure isolation and T1 after isolation, respectively, based on a large number of actual ground motion records. The seismic duration of ground motion is classified according to the energy duration of 70% earthquake. The frame structure model is established by using SAP2000, and the selected records are input for time history analysis, and the structural response parameters (bottom shear force) are investigated. The calculated results show that according to T1 wave selection analysis after structure isolation, the dispersion of structural response is obviously less than that obtained by T1 wave selection analysis before structure isolation. It is more reasonable to select T1 wave of isolated structure as the input of isolated structure. The damage degree of isolated structure under long-lasting earthquake is greater than that of short-lasting earthquake, and long-duration ground motion is more disadvantageous to isolated structure. It is suggested that in addition to selecting waves according to T1Tg, at least one long-lasting seismic wave should be considered for seismic isolation structures. 2 the "L" eccentricity structure model is established, which adopts lead-rubber isolation, friction-slip isolation and combined isolation respectively. The structural response parameters (interstory shear force, interstory displacement, interstory torsion angle) are investigated, and the isolation effects of three different isolation measures are compared. The influence of the two parameters on the isolation effect of the isolated structure is analyzed by changing the two parameters of the bearing type (equivalent stiffness) or friction coefficient. The results show that the lead-rubber isolation, slip isolation and combined isolation are used. The seismic response of the superstructure can be greatly reduced, the torsional deformation of the structure is mainly concentrated in the isolation layer, the maximum interstory torsional angle of the superstructure is very small, and the torsional resistance of the isolated structure is very good. Reasonably select the type of lead rubber bearing (equivalent stiffness, friction coefficient of sliding support, Combination isolation can be better than lead rubber isolation and friction slip isolation. It is suggested that composite isolation should be used in the isolation design of irregular eccentric structures.
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