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发布时间:2018-03-02 12:20

  本文选题:大跨度 切入点:门式刚架 出处:《河北工程大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:门式刚架在当今之所以倍受青睐,因其质量轻,制作快捷,安装和施工周期段,因此可以很好的降低成本。大跨度门式刚架结构还可以提供大面积空间,能够满足大空间建筑的需求,因此大跨度门式刚架具有较大的发展空间。 门式刚架的设计,,要符合相关规范,目前现有规范缺少专门的大跨钢拱结构设计方法,本文通过运用PKPM结构设计软件,建立一60m大跨度轻型门式刚架,进行分析,本论文分析内容如下: (1)通过调研收集门式刚架的相关资料文献,研究门式架的发展历程,性能特点,以及其市场的发展前景。 (2)参考门式刚架设计有关的文献资料,总结门式刚架的设计和分析方法,设计梁柱截面时采用穷举法,找到最优截面。分析方法采用图标法,具体总结出结构的受力情况,分析结构与规范规定是否有出入。 (3)构建60m大跨度门式刚架模型,结合计算的数据进行内力分析,研究其在不同工程情况下的状况,看其可行性。经过计算分析,结构符合要求,每榀用钢量为10.725t,能够达到省钢的目的。 (4)对门式刚架进行节点的设计,设计形式用图片展出,节点的合理性通过计算分析得出,经过分析节点设计符合要求,切实可行。 通过对60m大跨度门式刚架的设计分析,其符合规范和设计要求,切实可行,可以取得良好的经济效果,有很大的发展空间。
[Abstract]:Portal frame is very popular nowadays, because of its light weight, quick manufacture, installation and construction period, it can reduce cost very well. Large span portal frame structure can also provide large area space. Can meet the needs of large-space buildings, so the large-span portal frame has a large space for development. The design of portal frame should conform to the relevant codes. At present, the existing code lacks the special design method of large-span steel arch structure. By using PKPM structural design software, a 60m large-span lightweight portal frame is established and analyzed in this paper. The contents of this thesis are as follows:. 1) the development history, performance characteristics and market prospect of portal frames are studied through investigation and collection of relevant materials and documents. (2) referring to the literature related to portal frame design, summing up the design and analysis methods of portal frame, using exhaustive method to find the optimal section when designing Liang Zhu section, and using icon method to summarize the stress situation of the structure. Analyze whether there is any discrepancy between structure and specification. The model of 60m large-span portal frame is constructed, the internal force is analyzed by combining the calculated data, the condition of the frame under different engineering conditions is studied, and the feasibility is observed. The structure meets the requirements through calculation and analysis. The quantity of steel used is 10.725 t, which can achieve the goal of saving steel. 4) the design of the joints of the portal frame is displayed in pictures. The rationality of the joints is obtained by calculation and analysis. The design of the joints meets the requirements and is feasible. By analyzing the design of 60m large-span portal frame, it is found that it conforms to the specifications and design requirements, is feasible, can achieve good economic results and has a great space for development.


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