发布时间:2018-03-20 15:14
本文选题:木构架建筑 切入点:秦氏旧宅 出处:《郑州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:传统木构架建筑是指以木构架为主体承重结构,土或砖墙做围护与分隔结构的一类建筑物。这类建筑是中国古建筑的一种主要结构形式,历史悠久、体系独特,具有材性优良、取材方便、形式多样、加工方便、造价经济等显著优点,与中国传统的农根文化、自给自足的思想意识及生活方式相契合,在我国的传统民居建筑中应用极为广泛。木构架建筑独特的建筑风格与设计手法也体现了中华民族的伟大智慧,是我国悠久文化遗产的重要组成部分。 传统木构架建筑虽然具有诸多优势,但大多数建筑建造时代久远,建筑材料在长期的环境侵蚀下耐久性大大衰减,而且传统民居多由当地工匠凭借经验修建,没有完整的设计图纸与相关单位监管质量安全,其结构本身存在不合理的地方,,导致现存传统民居均出现不同程度的损坏。目前,新农村建设快速发展,新材料、新技术不断引进,人们的生活质量不断提高,弃旧迁新,使大量传统民居处于无人管理或不断破坏的状态,因此对它们的保护迫在眉睫。 为了从结构安全性角度指导传统民居的保护与修缮,传承乡土文物建筑的营造工艺,本课题组基于国家“十二五”科技支撑计划课题(2013BAL01B04)的支持,并在河南省荥阳市文物保护中心的委托下,对豫中地区的一处典型古民居宅院秦氏旧宅进行实地调研与维修设计。本文选择秦氏旧宅的厅堂为研究对象,对其结构特点进行理论分析与有限元数值模拟,得到结构在不同工况下的变形规律及受力特点,探讨了结构的结构性能,分析了结构的薄弱部位,并简单提出修缮方法。具体研究工作如下: (1)通过测绘、访谈、拍照等对方式对秦氏旧宅实地调研,获得该宅院的全面资料。针对秦氏旧宅厅堂木构架体系的结构特点,本文从结构形式、构造做法、残损现状等方面进行详细阐述,并从力学角度做简单理论分析,探讨其构成的科学性与合理性。 (2)根据秦氏旧宅厅堂的实测数据,利用梁单元及半刚性单元建立三维整体有限元模型。在自重及雪荷载作用工况下对结构进行静力分析。结果表明,端屋架易发生歪闪,檩条、明间金柱及七架梁是受力关键构件,梁柱节点、檩条跨中、檩条与梁架搭接处、檩条与檩条搭接处为薄弱部位,易出现劈裂、弯垂、拔榫、外滚等现象,失效时直接影响结构的安全可靠。 (3)为得到厅堂木构架的固有振动特性及动力参数,本文对结构进行了模态分析。分析结果表明,结构第1振型频率为0.4733Hz,基本周期2.1127s,体现木结构的长周期特性;结构纵向刚度比横向刚度较弱,应予以加强。 (4)本文建立对比模型探讨了节点刚度、屋面刚度对结构振动模态的影响,结果表明节点刚度对结构振动模态影响显著,尤其是对第1阶振型,加强檩条间的榫卯连接对纵向刚度加强效果明显;而厅堂屋面本身刚度较大,变更其屋面刚度对结构模态影响很小。 (5)为研究木构架的抗震能力,本文采用完全瞬态分析法对结构进行了时程分析。结果表明,在罕遇地震作用下,梁架位移较大,随着梁架层高度的增加,梁架位移峰值随之增大,檐步举架较高于一般做法,导致抱头梁与七架梁层间位移较大,该部位易发生拔榫现象。 (6)各层梁架在罕遇地震作用下的加速度响应表现为:加速度峰值随着梁架层高度的增加有减小的趋势;梁架层层间动力放大系数均在1左右,榫卯连接起到耗能减震的作用,其中七架梁层耗能效果最为显著。
[Abstract]:The traditional wooden frame construction refers to the wooden structure as the main load-bearing structure, soil or brick as a building envelope and partition structure. This kind of building is a main structural form, Chinese ancient architecture has a long history, unique system, have fine material, convenient form, convenient processing, significant advantages the economic cost, and agricultural China root culture tradition, ideology and lifestyle self-sufficient fit in China's traditional residential architecture is widely used. The wood frame building unique architectural style and design style also reflects the great wisdom of the Chinese nation, is an important part of China's long cultural heritage.
Although the traditional wooden frame building has many advantages, but most of the buildings built a long time, the durability of building materials in the environment under the long-term erosion greatly attenuated, and the traditional residential houses built by local craftsmen by virtue of experience, no regulatory quality of design drawings and related units complete safety, the structure unreasonable, leading to the existing traditional houses were damaged to some extent. At present, the new rural construction rapid development, new materials, new technologies are constantly introduced, and constantly improve people's quality of life, the old move, so that a large number of traditional houses in unattended state or destruction, so their protection is imminent.
In order to protect and repair from the structure angle of the safety guidance of traditional houses, construction techniques and inheritance of local heritage buildings, the research group of "12th Five-Year" National Science and technology support program (2013BAL01B04) based on the support, and commissioned by the Xingyang city of Henan Province cultural relics protection center, the Henan region of a typical ancient residence the house of Qin's old house to conduct field research and repair design. This paper chooses Qin's palace hall as the research object, by theoretical analysis and finite element numerical simulation of the structure, characteristics and deformation law of structure under different conditions, the structure performance of the structure of the analysis, the weak parts of the structure, simple repair methods. And put forward the main research work is as follows:
(1) through mapping, interviews, photographs and other on the way of Qin's old house investigation, obtain comprehensive information on the house. In the light of the structural features of Qin's old dwelling hall timber frame system, this article from the structure form, structure, detail the damaged condition, and from the view of mechanics of simple theoretical analysis, discussion the composition of science and rationality.
(2) according to the measured data of Qin's old dwelling hall, establish three-dimensional finite element model using beam element and semi rigid element. Under the gravity and snow load under the condition of static analysis of the structure. The results show that the end of roof prone crooked flash, purlin, Ming Kim and seven frame beam is the key component of force, beam column joints, cross beam purlin, purlin and lap joint for purlin purlin and weak parts, prone to splitting, bend, pull tenon, rolling and other phenomena, failure directly affects the safety and reliability of structure.
(3) for the natural vibration characteristics and dynamic parameters of the hall of timber frame, this article carried on the modal analysis of the structure. The analysis results show that the structure of the first mode frequency is 0.4733Hz, the basic 2.1127s cycle, reflect the characteristics of long period structure of wood structure; longitudinal stiffness ratio of lateral stiffness is weak, should be strengthened.
(4) this paper discusses comparison model of joint stiffness, roof stiffness influence on the vibration mode, results show that the effect of joint stiffness on the vibration mode is significant, especially for the first modes, strengthen the purlin mortise and tenon connection of the longitudinal stiffness strengthening effect is obvious; and the hall roof itself stiffness large changes of the roof stiffness influence on the modal is very small.
(5) to research the seismic capability of timber frame, this paper adopts full transient analysis of time history analysis of structure method. The results show that under strong earthquake, beam displacement is larger, with the increase of thickness of beam, beam displacement peak increased, step in general practice set high eaves, leading to head beam with seven beam layer displacement is large, prone to the phenomenon of the tenon pull parts.
(6) the beam of earthquake acceleration response under the rare performance: the peak acceleration with the beam height decreases with increasing trend; beam dynamic amplification coefficient between layers were around 1, tenon connection to play the role of energy dissipation, the seven layer frame beam and the most significant effect of energy dissipation.
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