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发布时间:2018-03-20 16:46

  本文选题:北江流域 切入点:水源水质 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,我国水源地污染事件时有发生,饮用水安全问题越来越引起人们的关注。北江流域大部分在广东省境内,流经的韶关、清远、佛山三市都将其作为水源水,而流经区域人口密度较大,工农业发达,厂矿众多,极易发生水源水污染事故。因此,本课题旨在对北江流域存在的风险源进行识别,在此基础上给出应急处理技术,并为水质预警体系的优化提出建议。 北江流域是珠江的第二大水系,通过对北江水厂、西南水厂、沙口水厂水源水水质指标分析,北江水源水温度随季节变化,pH值基本都在7.2-8.2之间,氨氮浓度基本都在1mg/L以下,硝酸盐氮含量在2.5mg/L以下,溶解氧的变化范围在6-11mg/L,原水高锰酸盐指数月平均在2mg/L左右,且大部分时间里都稳定在1-2.5mg/L,根据地表水环境质量标准,北江流域水源水水质基本符合Ⅱ类水体标准。 为了防范于未然,将污染控制在摇篮中,本文对北江流域周围的污染源进行了调研。根据污染事故的污染特征,将污染源分为固定源污染、移动源污染、流域源污染、自然灾害源污染四类进行概述。固定源污染主要为金属制造业、陶瓷业、纺织业等工业排放的生产废水;移动源污染主要是由交通事故和承载原材料的船只发生事故引起的;流域源污染包括居民生活污染和农业生产污染;自然灾害源是因所处地理位置,暴雨、地震等自然灾害造成的污染。在此基础上,结合水厂历史性污染事故,北江流域面临石油类污染、重金属污染、有机物污染等多种污染形式。 对地表水源水构建水质预警体系是对水质污染最好的预防措施。分析研究了北江流域现有的水质预警体系,分别从监测指标、监测点和监测技术上给出了优化建议。并且建议采取三级联动监测体系:即在线监测系统、移动快速监测和实验室检测系统。 分析水厂常规处理工艺效果,在现有工艺的基础上给出了面对突发苯酚污染的应急处理技术,并将总结的风险源污染物根据应急处理技术进行划分。低苯酚浓度(0.1mg/L)投加40mg/L的粉末活性炭,0.2mg/L的苯酚含量时采取投加40mg/L粉末活性炭+0.4mg/L高锰酸钾,而苯酚浓度0.5mg/L的情况下,投加50mg/L粉末活性炭+0.4mg/L高锰酸钾进行处理,,出水的苯酚含量和臭强就可以满足生活饮用水标准。
[Abstract]:In recent years, water source pollution incidents have occurred from time to time in China, and the issue of drinking water safety has attracted more and more attention. Most of the Beijiang Valley is in Guangdong Province, and the three cities of Shaoguan, Qingyuan and Foshan use it as the source water. However, because of the large population density, the developed industry and agriculture, the numerous factories and mines, the water pollution accident is easy to occur. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to identify the risk sources in the Beijiang River Basin, and on this basis, to give the emergency treatment technology. Suggestions for the optimization of water quality early warning system are put forward. The Beijiang River Basin is the second largest water system in the Pearl River. By analyzing the water quality indexes of the source water of Beijiang Waterworks, Southwest Waterworks and Shakou Waterworks, it is found that the temperature of the source water in Beijiang basically varies from 7.2-8.2 with the seasonal variation of pH value, and the concentration of ammonia and nitrogen is basically below 1 mg / L. The nitrate nitrogen content is below 2.5 mg / L, the dissolved oxygen varies from 6 to 11 mg / L, the average monthly permanganate index of raw water is about 2 mg / L, and it is stable at 1 to 2.5 mg / L for most of the time, according to the environmental quality standard of surface water. The water quality of the source water in the Beijiang River Basin basically conforms to the class 鈪




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