发布时间:2018-03-25 12:02
本文选题:高速铁路 切入点:东莞市 出处:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:高速铁路的修建对东莞市城市发展的影响是全面的,深刻的,必将带来本地跨越式的发展。其高铁站点交通枢纽等重大交通设施的修建对珠三角地区、设站城市,特别是站区周边的空间结构将产生巨大的影响。如何利用高铁设站的发展契机,合理引导城市的空间发展,成为当前规划届的热点之一。 本文是有关高速铁路对东莞城市空间结构影响的一个探索性的阶段成果。笔者以东莞市为例,进行初步实证分析,总结评析在珠三角区域、东莞市域和高铁站点所在地区3个空间层面上,高铁交通枢纽对城市空间发展的影响,尝试性地总结高速铁路建设对城市空间结构影响的分析框架。 论文主要分为五个部分,第一部分是在阐述研究背景及意义的基础上,总结国内外关于高铁建设对空间影响的相关研究综述,分析国际成功高铁案例,提炼其可借鉴之处。第二部分是关于高铁建设对珠三角区域层面的影响分析,运用引力模型,对比高速铁路修建前后,由于时间距离的缩短,引起的城市间引力效应、廊道效应以及同城化效应的变化。第三部分是关于高铁建设对东莞市域层面的影响分析,通过对比东莞内、外交通格局的演变,探讨高铁站点对东莞西部片区和东部片区城市空间建设的影响作用,并分析未来高速铁路所带来的高端客流,对东莞市产业结构转型演变的推进作用。第四部分是关于东莞市高铁站点周边地区层面的影响分析,通过对东莞三大高铁站—虎门站、新东莞站、常平站实行实地调研后,结合相关数据,论证各站点是否具备显著开发的条件,再结合问卷调查分析结果,尝试性归纳高铁使用人群的特征及其客观需求,,后以虎门站为重点,深入分析其区位、交通等客观发展条件,指出现状周边地区房地产业、商务金融业和其他特色产业等的发展矛头,提出站点地区集节点价值、功能价值与城市门户价值一体的微观层面发展战略。第五部分为本文的主要结论,并阐述其研究不足以及下一步的研究展望。 本文的研究特色在于,从宏观到中观、微观三个不同区域层面,较为全面地分析了,高速铁路及其站点的建设规划,对于单个城市的不同空间维度产生的不同的空间影响作用,并尝试性地总结归纳出其空间影响的分析框架。不足之处主要在于分析主体的地域局限性及数据分析的主观性。
[Abstract]:The construction of high-speed railway has a comprehensive and profound impact on the development of Dongguan City, which will surely bring local leapfrog development. The construction of major transportation facilities such as high-speed railway stations and transportation hubs will set up stations in the Pearl River Delta region. Especially, the spatial structure around the station area will have a great impact. How to make use of the development opportunity of the high-speed railway station to guide the spatial development of the city reasonably has become one of the hot spots in the current planning field. This paper is an exploratory stage result of the influence of high speed railway on the spatial structure of Dongguan city. Taking Dongguan City as an example, the author makes a preliminary empirical analysis and summarizes and comments on it in the Pearl River Delta region. On the three spatial levels of Dongguan area and high speed railway station, the influence of high speed rail transportation hub on urban spatial development is discussed, and the analysis framework of the influence of high speed railway construction on urban spatial structure is summarized. The paper is divided into five parts. The first part is based on the background and significance of the research, summarizes the domestic and foreign research on the impact of high-speed rail construction on space, and analyzes the international successful high-speed rail cases. The second part is about the analysis of the influence of high-speed railway construction on the regional level of the Pearl River Delta. The gravity model is used to compare the gravitational effect between cities caused by the shortening of time distance before and after the construction of high-speed railway. The third part is about the analysis of the influence of high-speed railway construction on the regional level of Dongguan City, and by comparing the evolution of traffic pattern inside and outside Dongguan, This paper probes into the influence of high-speed railway stations on the urban space construction in the western and eastern parts of Dongguan, and analyzes the high-end passenger flow brought by the future high-speed railway. The fourth part is about the analysis of the influence on the surrounding area of the high-speed railway station in Dongguan. After carrying out the field investigation on the three major high-speed railway stations in Dongguan-Humen station, new Dongguan station, Changping station, Combining with the relevant data, the paper proves whether each station has the conditions for significant development, and combines with the results of questionnaire analysis, tries to sum up the characteristics and objective needs of the people using high-speed rail, and then takes Humen station as the emphasis, and deeply analyzes its location. Objective development conditions such as transportation, pointing out the development of the real estate industry, the commercial financial industry and other characteristic industries in the surrounding areas, and putting forward the value of the node in the site area. The fifth part is the main conclusion of this paper, and expounds its lack of research and future research prospects. The characteristics of this paper are that, from the macro to the meso, and from the micro to the three different regional levels, the construction planning of the high-speed railway and its stations is analyzed in a more comprehensive way. The spatial effects of different spatial dimensions of a single city are summarized and the framework of spatial impact analysis is summarized. The main shortcomings are the regional limitations of the main body and the subjectivity of data analysis.
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