本文选题:气候变化 切入点:中心城区规划 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,如同政府间气候变化专门委员会在其2007年综合报告中对于气候变化的预测,全球气候变化带来的影响越来越明显。其中,城市作为应对气候变化的重要主体,不仅对于减缓全球气候变化,降低温室气体排放上有着重要的作用,在适应极端气候事件上,也需要积极地采取应对的措施。 在城市规划领域,对于应对气候变化的研究也越来越受到关注,但是研究相对分散,主要可分为减缓气候变化与适应气候变化两方面的研究。而其中缺乏较为综合且系统的城市规划编制工作方法。基于这一现状,本文通过综合国内外城市规划中应对气候变化的研究与实践,并且结合我国城市中心城区规划编制内容,跨学科的引入情景分析方法,提出了一套“气候变化维度下的中心城区规划情景方法”,以指导我国城市中心城区应对气候变化的规划方案编制工作。该方法主要分为两个部分,第一部分“情景方案制定”是通过采用定量与定性结合的科学预测方法,对于中心城区应对气候变化策略进行可行性的分析研究,从而选择适当的规划策略以指导不同情景方案的制定;第二部分“情景方案比选”则是通过对于中心城区规划中“城市空间形态”、“居住用地规划”、“公共服务设施”等多项内容应对气候变化的关键指标比较,从而对不同规划情景方案的应对气候变化能力进行评价,得出最终的城市中心城区规划方案。 本文希望通过对于气候变化维度下的中心城区规划情景方法的应用,探索适于我国城市规划编制情况的应对气候变化技术方法,以指导我国城市应对气候变化的规划实践,从而实现减缓城市温室气体排放,,增强城市适应极端气候事件能力的作用。
[Abstract]:In recent years, as predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change in its 2007 synthesis report, the impacts of global climate change have become increasingly apparent. It not only plays an important role in mitigating global climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but also needs to take active measures to adapt to extreme climate events. In the field of urban planning, research on combating climate change has also received increasing attention, but the research has been relatively scattered. It can be divided into two aspects: mitigation of climate change and adaptation to climate change, in which there is a lack of a more comprehensive and systematic method of preparing urban planning. By synthesizing the research and practice of coping with climate change in urban planning at home and abroad, and combining with the content of urban central urban planning in our country, this paper introduces an interdisciplinary situational analysis method. In this paper, a set of "scenario methods for urban planning under the dimension of climate change" is proposed to guide the planning and preparation of urban centers in China to cope with climate change. The method is divided into two parts. The first part, "scenario formulation", is to analyze the feasibility of climate change strategies in central urban areas by using a scientific forecasting method that combines quantitative and qualitative methods. Therefore, appropriate planning strategies are chosen to guide the formulation of different scenarios. The second part, "scenario comparison", compares the key indicators of climate change in urban planning, such as "urban spatial form", "residential land planning", "public service facilities", and so on. Therefore, the ability of different planning scenarios to cope with climate change is evaluated, and the final urban center planning scheme is obtained. Through the application of the scenario method of urban planning under the dimension of climate change, this paper hopes to explore the technical methods of coping with climate change that are suitable for the urban planning in China, so as to guide the planning practice of urban response to climate change in China. In order to reduce urban greenhouse gas emissions and enhance the ability of cities to adapt to extreme climate events.
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