本文选题:岩石力学 + ABAQUS ; 参考:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:A large amount of natural gas and oil exist in fractured reservoirs. Most of them use hydraulic fracturing technology to exploit shale oil and gas, and fracturing rock layers with water pressure to release the natural gas or oil. However, the fractured reservoir rock mass contains many inclusions composed of mineral components, which make rock material a composite material and shale a soft rock. The study of the influence of inclusions on the mechanical properties of soft rock is of great theoretical significance and engineering application value for shale oil and gas production. In this paper, two kinds of elastoplastic constitutive models, Mohr-Coulomb model and Drucker-Prager model, are used in the finite element analysis software Abaqus, and the uniform distribution and random distribution of inclusions are considered. The plane and three-dimensional static numerical simulation of rock specimens without inclusions and solid rock specimens with different inclusions and hollow rock specimens were carried out. Based on the analysis of various influencing factors of inclusion and soft rock, this paper studies the related influence law: firstly, the influence of inclusion content on the mechanical properties of solid soft rock and hollow soft rock is studied; secondly, the influence of inclusions on the mechanical properties of solid soft rock and hollow soft rock is studied. The influence of internal friction angle on the mechanical properties of solid soft rock and hollow soft rock is studied, and the influence of cohesive force on the mechanical properties of solid soft rock and hollow soft rock is studied. Through a large number of numerical simulation experiments, the correlation laws of the influence of different inclusions on the mechanical properties of soft rock and the influence of soft rock material parameters on the mechanical properties of soft rock containing inclusions are obtained. Through the comparison and analysis of the two-dimensional model and the three-dimensional model, it is verified that the three-dimensional model of the rock specimen with inclusion can be simplified into a two-dimensional model for numerical simulation, and the validity and rationality of the numerical results are analyzed.
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