发布时间:2018-05-15 21:24
本文选题:株洲市 + 宿根花卉 ; 参考:《中南林业科技大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着城市建设发展,宿根花卉在城市当中的运用得到越来越多重视。宿根花卉种类繁多,观赏效果良好,抗逆性强,如果搭配得当不仅花色、花形多样,春夏秋各个季节可以持续开花,容易营造景观良好且便于管理的植物景观。但当前对于株洲地区如何选择适合的宿根花卉没有相应的研究,缺乏系统性的理论支撑。所以,如何对宿根花卉进行筛选并引进应用于株洲城市绿地,是本地区城市绿化提质改造十分值得关注的问题。 文章通过文献综述、实地调查、选取筛选指标建立层次分析法(AHP)模型、灰色关联度分析法(Gray-correlation analysis)模型以及花卉组合栽培实验等方法,调查研究了株洲市露地花卉应用现状,拟定可能适合株洲地区种植的55种宿根花卉,对拟引种的55种宿根花卉进行综合价值评价并结合宿根花卉组合配置实验对此进行生态适应性,园林观赏性和园林应用研究,取的以下研究结果: (1)通过对株洲三个城市公园和多个绿地进行调查的结果表明,在26种常用露地花卉中,宿根花卉的使用频度低。在园林使用频度较高的9种花卉中,则主要使用一、二年生花卉,占6种,比例达到70%;剩下3种宿根花卉有2种做一、二年生栽培;常用宿根花卉品种中观花种只有常用的菊花、萱草,葱兰等,所占比例只有30%;且各类花卉的应用形式较为单一,组合则显得凌乱。 (2)使用建立的层次分析法和关联度分析法模型对欲引种的55种宿根花卉进行综合价值评判。并根据最终得出的加强关联度进行排序,将55种宿根花卉分为三个等级。一级,加权关联度0.75的宿根花卉13种,应用价值高,可以广泛推广应用;二级,0.75加权关联度0.65的宿根花卉品种33种,应用价值一般可以进行推广应用,三级,加权关联度0.65的宿根花卉品种9种,应用价值较低,在株洲地区应该谨慎使用。 (3)矮生宿根花卉栽培实验中所使用的两种栽培组合模式均能在株洲地区生长良好,出芽时间短,出芽率高,并能快速的覆盖地面,在播种40天后就能见花。矮生宿根天人菊,石竹,硫华菊的生长表现良好。石竹科和菊科的植物占优势地位。适应性强,争夺水分、养分、空间能力占优。花葱,虞美人等生长空间受到挤压,表现稍差。 秋播宿根花卉组合实验中排除了羽扇豆,耧斗菜等对株洲地区适应性较差的植物种类,根据植物的生长情况和生态表现调整适合植物应用的搭配,建立几组较为稳定的植物配置组合。如宿根亚麻/钓钟柳/花葱,矮生宿根天人菊/紫松果菊,硫华菊/蛇目菊/石竹,宿根天人菊/矮雪轮。这些搭配可因地制宜进行运用在株洲花坛、花境、水边、专类园、园林地被等各种景观之中。 (4)进行株洲市绿地配置研究,根据公园及居住区,滨水,道路等三类绿地的宿根花卉应用形式和原则。探讨适于株洲市具体的宿根花卉为主的城市植物景观配置。 综合上述数学模型研究和实验研究的成果,最终确定适合株洲市种植的25种宿根花卉品种,并根据株洲露地花卉的种类探讨宿根花卉组合在公园及居住区、滨水绿地和道路绿地三种主要绿地类型中的应用,并分别推荐:公园及居住区绿地:6种,滨水绿地:5种,道路绿地:3种,共14种宿根花卉配置模式。
[Abstract]:With the development of urban construction, the use of perennial flowers and flowers in the city has been paid more and more attention. There are many kinds of perennial flowers, good ornamental effect and strong resistance. If the collocation is appropriate, it is not only flower color, flower shape varied, spring summer and autumn can continue to blossom, easy to create a good landscape and easy to manage plant landscape. But at present, How to choose the suitable perennial flowers in Zhuzhou has no corresponding research and lack of systematic theoretical support. Therefore, how to screen and introduce the perennial flowers in Zhuzhou urban green space is a problem worthy of concern in the improvement of urban greening in this area.
Through literature review, field investigation, selection of AHP model, grey relational analysis (Gray-correlation analysis) model and flower combination cultivation experiment, the present situation of flower application in Zhuzhou is investigated, and 55 kinds of perennial flowers, which may be suitable for Zhuzhou area, are drawn up. The comprehensive value of 55 kinds of perennial flowers introduced, combined with the experiment of perennial flower arrangement, was carried out on the ecological adaptability, garden ornamental and garden application, and the following research results were taken.
(1) through the investigation of three urban parks and multiple green spaces in Zhuzhou, the frequency of perennial flowers is low in 26 kinds of common ground flowers. Among the 9 flowers with high frequency of use in garden, the main use is one, the second year flower is 6, the proportion is 70%, and the remaining 3 kinds of perennial flowers have 2 kinds of one and biennial cultivation; There are only 30% commonly used flowers, such as chrysanthemum, Hemerocallis Hemerocallis, and onion, and the use of various kinds of flowers is relatively simple, and the combination appears to be messy.
(2) using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the model of correlation degree analysis, the 55 species of perennial flowers were evaluated synthetically, and the 55 kinds of perennial flowers were divided into three grades according to the final strengthening correlation degree. The first grade, 13 kinds of perennial root flowers with weighted correlation degree 0.75, were of high application value and could be widely applied. There are 33 kinds of perennial flower varieties with two grade and 0.75 weighted correlation degree 0.65. The application value can generally be applied, three and 0.65 of the weighted incidence of perennial flower varieties, with low application value, should be used carefully in Zhuzhou area.
(3) the two cultivated combination models used in the cultivation experiment of dwarf perennial root flowers can grow well in Zhuzhou area, have short sprout time, high germination rate, and can quickly cover the ground, and can see flowers in 40 days. The growth of dwarf and chrysanthemum, Ishi Take and chrysanthemum is good. The dominant position of Ishi Take family and chrysanthemum is the dominant position. Strong competition for water, nutrients, and spatial capacity. The growth space of green onion and Papaver beauty is squeezed and slightly worse.
In the experiment of autumn sowing perennial root flower combination, the species of low adaptable plants such as lupine and columbine were excluded. According to the growth and ecological performance of the plant, the suitable collocation of plant applications was adjusted. Several groups of more stable plant configuration combinations were set up, such as perennial flax / Angling clocks willow / onion, dwarf perennial root and purple Piney chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum / chrysanthemum / bamboo, perennial root, chrysanthemum / low snow wheel. These collocations can be used in Zhuzhou flower bed, flower border, water edge, special garden, garden and other landscapes.
(4) to study the distribution of green space in Zhuzhou, according to the application forms and principles of the perennial root flowers of three types of green space, such as park and residential area, waterfront, road and so on, and discuss the urban plant landscape configuration suitable for the specific perennial flowers in Zhuzhou.
Based on the results of the above mathematical model research and experimental research, 25 kinds of perennial root flower varieties suitable for Zhuzhou were determined, and the application of the perennial flower combination in the park and residential areas, the waterfront green space and the road green space were discussed, and the parks and the residential areas were recommended respectively according to the species of flowers in Zhuzhou. Green space: 6 kinds, waterfront green space: 5 species, road green space: 3 species, 14 kinds of perennial flower allocation patterns.
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