本文选题:生态社区 + 理论 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The environmental deterioration and climate change caused by the development of economy and society have become the common problem of the whole world. It has become a common understanding to advocate the ecological concept and realize the sustainable development. On the one hand, as the main place where people live, the quality of environment is directly related to the living standard of people; on the other hand, the real estate industry, which is closely related to community planning and construction, is one of the important engines of economic development. How to guide the science also receives the attention day by day. The concept of ecology is applied to the planning, construction and management of the community so as to minimize the impact on nature on the premise of satisfying people's basic living needs. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions and non-renewable energy consumption is one of the most important measures to deal with environmental problems. At present, the domestic research on ecological community is mainly focused on the application of ecological technology and the establishment of evaluation system. However, there is a lack of understanding of the political and economic system with Chinese characteristics, as well as the reality in the primary stage of socialism. There is a lack of deep analysis of the problems and causes in the process of practice, which leads to the bad situation that the theoretical research is thorough and meticulous, but the social practice is far away. Based on the theories of sociology, ecology, urban planning, architecture, landscape architecture and so on, this paper expounds the historical evolution of the values of ecological community, taking the historical development period as the axis and the eastern and western residential culture as the background. The successful cases of ecological community at home and abroad are analyzed, and the basic connotation of ecological community is summarized. Finally, the main problems and reasons in the planning and construction of ecological community in China are found from the angle of economy and society, and the implementation strategy and the future research direction of ecological community are put forward. The study shows that the basic connotation of ecological community is not only the wide application of ecological technology, but also the factors of economy and culture. The implementation of the principle of equity and intensive and economical use of land is one of the indispensable contents of the ecological community. The cases of foreign ecological communities play an important role in the promotion and utilization of ecological technology and the cultivation of ecological consciousness. In view of the main problems existing in the planning and construction of ecological communities in China, only by taking targeted measures in the aspects of market mechanism, administrative mechanism, legal mechanism and social mechanism, can we promote the planning, construction and management of ecological communities. In order to realize the scientific and sustainable development of economy and society, it is necessary to promote the transformation of ecological community research results and the further deepening of ecological community theory research.
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