本文选题:防灾空间 + 空间演变 ; 参考:《南京大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the frequent disasters, the increase of urban vulnerability and the speed of information dissemination, people pay more and more attention to disaster prevention, and more attention is paid to the function of urban space disaster prevention. Both the academic research on disaster prevention and the practical activities of urban disaster prevention construction have greatly increased in recent decades. Although there has been disaster prevention construction since the emergence of the city, but from the historical point of view, there are few studies on the development of urban disaster prevention space. As a part of urban space, it is of historical and practical significance to study the evolution of disaster prevention space. This paper takes Nanjing, a city where I study and live, as the object of study, combing the whole evolution process of the urban disaster prevention space from the emergence of the city to the present, in order to explore the characteristics of the evolution of the disaster prevention space. Starting with the analysis of disaster prevention space, this paper clarifies that the connotation of disaster prevention space includes urban material space with disaster prevention function. The form of urban structure and the regional connection structure, and the relationships between these material space carriers can promote the function of disaster prevention. Based on the material foundation of disaster prevention space, the spatial hierarchy system of regional, urban, community and architectural disaster prevention is constructed from the perspective of spatial scale. This is the spatial dimension of the spatial evolution of Nanjing disaster prevention. At the same time, this article combs the Nanjing city development course, according to the Nanjing city vicissitude, divides into the city appearance period, the ancient city development period, the modern city development period and the modern city development period four stages. This is the time dimension that Nanjing disaster prevention space evolves. Then, this article combs the occurrence situation of Nanjing city disaster, and thinks that the most profound influence to the city is earthquake, flood, fire and military disaster. These four kinds of disasters are the main ones in disaster prevention space. Therefore, from the spatial dimension of the four levels and the time dimension of the four stages, this paper combs and analyzes the urban disaster prevention space in Nanjing, and summarizes its evolution characteristics: at the regional level, the city site is fixed step by step. At the urban level, the disaster prevention space changes from isolation to system, from simple to complex; at the community level, disaster prevention space moves from isolation to system, and asylum space increases; at the architectural level, disaster prevention space increases. Emphasis on structural safety and fire resistance, disaster prevention space refinement, strict development. Finally, the paper further analyzes the main influencing factors of urban disaster prevention space evolution in Nanjing and the reference significance to the practice of modern urban disaster prevention space, and preliminarily summarizes the evolution law of urban disaster prevention space.
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