本文选题:老年人 + 养老空间 ; 参考:《大连工业大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:After the Industrial Revolution, just over 200 years, the development of human beings can be said to be by leaps and bounds. The rapid development of science and technology has become the biggest motive force for the progress of the whole world. Science and technology have infiltrated almost every life and production field. In the long history of development, the problem of social aging has become an unavoidable problem in many countries. The proportion of the elderly in the total number of people has gradually increased, resulting in the inevitable result: the shrinking of the labor force. The country gross domestic product growth rate is slow, the medical treatment expense proportion increases and so on. The problem of aging involves many aspects, but it is a process that every country experiences in the course of development, except that each country is under different pressures in the process of over-age society. For this special group, the derived service industry has great potential. The contradiction between the rapid growth of the spiritual and material needs of the elderly population and the relatively inadequate provision of old-age services is the main contradiction in the development of the cause of aging in China. In this article, we advocate the use of science and technology as the motive force to develop the cause of the elderly. Mainly aimed at the use of science and technology in pension space, intelligent pension has become a trend, the use of science and technology for the elderly to enjoy their twilight years to provide better conditions. The elderly make a great contribution to society, they have the right to enjoy the welfare provided for them by society. Some old people still contribute to the country in their old age and are naturally better cared for and arranged. In the case of providing them with a good living environment, a living space that is truly suitable for the elderly should be designed according to their unique psychological and physical characteristics. In the process of design, the emotional needs of the elderly is taken as the main research aspect, and humanistic care is embodied in every design detail. With the increasing number of the elderly, the design for the elderly has gradually become the mainstream of the design industry. In this paper, we consider the psychological and physical characteristics of the elderly, think about what the elderly really need, and correctly deal with the physical and psychological changes brought by the elderly due to the age problem. Then according to the old people's real need angle, elaborated in the design old age space, how to solve the old person's emotion question better. At the same time, smart home into space design, so that science and technology in the entire endowment space play a role. Finally, the article illustrates the application of smart home design in the space for the aged and the present situation of the development of intelligent pension in our country, and points out clearly that it is the inevitable result of the development of science and technology to push the intelligent endowment to the whole country in the future.
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