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发布时间:2018-07-10 17:06

  本文选题:环境行为学 + 社区交往 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the improvement of the urbanization level of our country, the community construction in our country has been greatly developed. However, there have also been serious problems of community communication crisis, and a series of problems have emerged, such as the loss of community sense of belonging, the weakening of vitality, and the decrease of safety coefficient, and so on. Therefore, the purpose and significance of this study lies in: 1, emphasizing that we should fully respect the characteristics of human behavior and psychology in the environmental design work, and take "humanization" as the design criterion to explore the specific strategies and methods of community communication environment design. The purpose of this paper is to take environmental behavior as the main theoretical basis, combining the specific situation of our country and the social development background, through the method of combining literature research and social research, and analyzing from macro, meso and micro levels. The basic starting point of this paper is to study the characteristics of communication behavior and psychology of people in the community, and put forward the design strategies and methods to promote the communication in the community construction in our country from the two aspects of "space environment" and "community organization". And form a logical system. The basic frame of this paper is "posing problem-analyzing problem-solving problem". The first chapter is "putting forward questions", pointing out the present situation, causes and effects of the problems of community communication in our country, the second chapter, the third chapter, "analyzing problems", respectively, from the aspects of the characteristics of communication and environmental behavior of the residents in our country, the problems of communication are analyzed. This is also the main basis of the study, the fourth chapter, the fifth chapter, "problem solving", respectively, from the physical environment of the communication space and residents participate in the community organization system to put forward the methods and strategies to improve community communication. The innovation of the article lies in: 1, which extends the basic theory of "Environmental Behavioral Science" and makes it applicable to the communication problem of the community. From universal to concrete, it aims at the development background of our country. This paper puts forward a design strategy suitable for the community in our country. "Communication" is a subjective behavior, not only from the "environment space", but also from "community organization" and "resident participation" to jointly enhance the community communication ability.


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