[Abstract]:Buckling restrained bracing is a new type of bracing member, which has good energy dissipation ability. It has been widely used in steel frame structure, but its application in concrete frame structure needs to be improved. At present, many researchers and scholars have done some research on its performance in concrete frame structure. Through reasonable design and arrangement, the buckling restrained braces can be introduced into concrete structures, which can not only greatly reduce the structure itself, but also greatly improve the seismic performance of concrete structures. In the buckle-constrained braced concrete frame, the connection between buckle-constrained bracing and concrete frame is more complex, which is also the biggest problem in the modeling process. In this paper, a reinforced concrete frame structure with buckling constraints is designed, and the static elastic-plastic analysis and dynamic time-history analysis are carried out for the frame, and then the influence degree of each influence on its seismic performance is studied. Finally, a reasonable arrangement and specific design suggestions are given. In order to study the working characteristics and seismic behavior of buckle-restrained braces in reinforced concrete frames, a standard model of a 10-story three-span reinforced concrete frame structure is established by using OpenSees Navigator software. In OpenSees Navigator modeling, a connection method between buckling constraint support and frame Liang Zhu node is presented in this paper to facilitate the computation speed and precision of the software. In this paper, the buckling constrained braced frame is first designed according to the code, and checked under the frequent earthquake, and then through the investigation of several parameters. It can be concluded that the design of buckling restrained braces in this frame structure is reasonable, and then pushover analysis and dynamic time-history analysis of a set of artificial waves and two groups of natural waves are carried out. The seismic behavior of the frame is evaluated by analyzing the displacement-base shear curve of the frame and the interstory displacement angle of the frame under the dynamic time history, and the displacement time history curve of the top of the frame. In addition, on the basis of the standard model, the configuration parameters of each component of buckling constraint bracing are changed. For the following three factors: the steel thickness of the outer steel pipe, the strength of the concrete in the core area, the section size and the ratio of width to thickness of the inner core, The independent pushover analysis and a group of artificial waves, two groups of natural waves under the action of dynamic time history analysis, each case is summarized, longitudinal comparison and horizontal analysis, Finally, the effects of different configuration parameters on buckling restrained braces and frame structures are analyzed. Finally, the influence of the number of floors on the seismic behavior of buckle-constrained braces is analyzed, and the design suggestions for each part of buckle-constrained braces are given by synthesizing the above factors.
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