[Abstract]:The landscape vitality of contemporary urban public space has a certain degree of influence on the improvement of residents' economy and living standard and the improvement of urban appearance. Excellent urban landscape should be dynamic and able to attract users to participate and stay. The vitality of cold cities is generally high in summer, and a series of defects caused by long and cold winters are found at the same time, the conventional vitality is low in winter. The design of public space neglects the regional characteristics of cold cities, and the function of landscape space is single, which can not meet the diverse needs of citizens for outdoor space use. Therefore, it is more urgent to put forward the dynamic mode of cold city. This paper is divided into four parts. The first chapter mainly describes the background, purpose and significance of the study, the current situation of research at home and abroad, research categories and methods, and briefly introduces the basic content and framework of the study. The research and practice of landscape vitality in cold cities are put forward. The second chapter explains the concept of landscape vitality and clarifies the core of the research; to Marcus's theory of human nature and place, Alexander's architectural model language, Maslow's environmental need theory, Yang. Gayle outdoor behavior theory, environmental behavior theory and other related theories are summarized, the three dimensions of landscape vitality are refined, from the point of view of space carrier, natural elements, social events, it is explained in detail. The basic platform is established for the research of the whole thesis. Based on a large number of investigation data in the third chapter, two parks and two commercial streets with the highest vitality were selected from the typical cold cities for long-term observation and recording, and the reasons for the vitality of the landscape were analyzed. In the fourth chapter, aiming at the current situation of the cold city landscape, the author puts forward several typical models of how to drive and activate the landscape vitality, and summarizes it into three categories according to the dimension of landscape vitality and the survey data in chapter three. That is, the dynamic mode of spatial form, the dynamic mode of natural factor regulation, the dynamic mode of social event excitation, and so on. The conclusion summarizes the main research conclusions and clarifies the contribution of the research. This paper has three research results: firstly, literature review on the concepts of "vitality" and "mode" in the scope of landscape architecture, explaining the definition of urban landscape vitality; secondly, Harbin, Changchun and other cities as representatives, On the basis of collecting and sorting out a large number of data, this paper summarizes the three dimensions of urban landscape vitality, which are spatial form, natural elements, social events and so on. Finally, using the method of combining text and photo, we extract from the case three types, eleven subcategories and 38 pieces of vivacious patterns of the typical cold city landscape, and use the graphic language to describe them abstractly. The study on the landscape vitality of cold cities includes not only the cities of northeast and northwest of China, but also the typical cities of foreign countries, which are worthy of reference and development at the same time. In the future, the improvement of this research can be started from other cities, such as at home and abroad.
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