[Abstract]:The ecological network of green space is based on the theory of landscape ecology and system theory, with the aim of protecting ecological environment, biodiversity of biological species and historical and cultural relics, and combining ecological network with traffic network, river system, historical cultural relics and so on. To develop ecological civilization, Guyuan, the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, as one of the pilot projects to promote the construction of new urbanization in Northwest China, has gradually become a hot topic for the construction of ecological civilization in this area. The city of Guyuan is located in the center of Shaanxi, Gansu, and Ningxia, the capital city of the three provinces of Ningxia, which is the south of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The portal of the Ministry in the Ministry of the province attaches great importance to the construction of the environment and economy. In the area of Guyuan, the area of the six Panshan mountains is more than seventy percent in the South and has a good ecological base, but the precipitation in the middle and northern part of Guyuan is scarce and the climate is poor, and the most important environmental problem is that the area is more sensitive to soil erosion. Therefore, it is of practical value to take Guyuan as the experimental base for the construction of ecological network of urban green space in Northwest China. The main contents of this paper are as follows: starting with the ecological environment evolution of Guyuan, the process of local ecological transformation is analyzed in detail, and the environmental problems are analyzed. At the same time, the aim of the study of the ecological network of green space is to guarantee the material cycle of the ecosystem and protect the biodiversity. It is concluded that only the green ecological network is suitable for the ecological construction of Guyuan and the detailed construction of the ecological network in Guyuan. The results are as follows: 1. the study of Guyuan The development and evolution of urban green space shows that the change trend of ecological environment in this area is a valley distribution, and analysis of the causes of the existing environmental problems.2. analysis of Guyuan river water system, artificial green space, traffic network and terrain distribution law, that is, the vegetation in the city area, water resources and gray infrastructure in the form of tree like branches, along with the mountain Trend and change.3. put forward the strategy of building green land ecological network in soil erosion area: in view of the terrain limitation of Guyuan mountain area, the strip is extended in the spatial level, the existing green.4. green land ecological network in the branching connection land is guiding policy tendency in the less developed areas, guided mainly by education, and calls for the whole people to participate green. Build up and participate in management.
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