[Abstract]:The available data show that it is of great significance to study the spatial form of block and its inner wind environment. However, before the study of the spatial shape and wind environment of the block, an important link is to select a group that can describe the shape of the block more comprehensively and accurately. At the same time, the index system of urban spatial form, which is closely related to the wind environment, is an important entry point to further study the relationship between the two. In the current research at home and abroad, although the urban spatial form has been studied systematically as an important subject, most of it is focused on the qualitative description method, and the existing quantitative indicators (such as uniformity, shape attitude, etc.) Dispersion, compactness, etc.) are mostly used to describe the growth and morphological expansion of urban land. However, the applicability of these indexes needs to be studied in the study of wind environment at block scale. In addition, in the existing research on the district wind environment, the commonly used indicators are limited in the street aspect ratio, block density, arrangement mode, upwind density and other simple quantitative description methods. It can not completely describe the relationship between the change of different block shape and ventilation condition. Moreover, the Design Standard of Thermal Environment in Urban Residential area is also seeking to control the wind environment in residential area with some quantitative indexes. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore the index system of urban spatial form, which is suitable for the study of the wind environment in block scale, and to provide some basis for the planning of the block, at the same time, It also provides some basic information and theoretical support for the compilation of relevant norms. First of all, through reading a lot of literature, this paper screened out a number of research significance of urban spatial morphological indicators. Then, according to the requirements of Urban Residential District Planning and Design Code and practical engineering experience, a benchmark case model of common point-type block and plate-type block is set up, and then the spatial form of these two benchmark cases is evolved. The wind environment of the block was obtained by CFD method. Finally, through the correlation analysis of statistical method, the spatial morphological index suitable for two block morphology is obtained.
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