[Abstract]:Previous tests of confined concrete with stirrups focused on the improvement of strength and ductility of core concrete, and repeated load tests focused on the whole process curve of loading and unloading. The damage deterioration behavior and quantitative description of confined concrete are studied by less experiments. In this paper, the damage deterioration behavior of concrete is further studied by tests of stirrups confined concrete, and the effects of volume hoop ratio, concrete strength and stirrups yield strength on the damage deterioration of stirrups confined concrete are discussed. Based on the existing damage deterioration equation, the concrete form of damage deterioration equation of confined concrete is given. Finally, the damage constitutive models of rectangular stirrups and circular stirrups are established respectively. The loading of the test is completed on the MTS electro-hydraulic servo system. The constant strain repeated loading and monotonic loading of the specimen are carried out by displacement loading control. The relationship between damage deterioration behavior and plastic deformation of concrete is discussed in the experiment of constant strain repeated loading, and the improvement of strength and ductility of concrete by stirrups restraint is analyzed in monotone loading test. Through the test results, the relationship between the envelope of the stress-strain curve under repeated loading and the monotone loading curve is discussed. The improvement of concrete strength and ductility by stirrups is quantitatively analyzed, and the damage variable is defined by the degradation of the elastic modulus of concrete. The effects of volume hoop ratio, yield strength of stirrups and strength of concrete on damage deterioration are analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by the test data of constant strain repeated loading. Based on the experimental data fitting, the plastic deformation relationship of stirrups confined concrete is obtained. Based on the damage deterioration equation of plain concrete, the damage constraint factor C is introduced, and the form of damage constraint factor is determined by experiments. Finally, the elastoplastic damage constitutive model of stirrups confined concrete is given. Compared with the experimental results, the damage deterioration equation proposed in this paper can better reflect the damage deterioration behavior of confined concrete, and the constitutive model can better describe the constitutive relationship of confined concrete with stirrups.
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