[Abstract]:As one of the structural defects of natural rock mass, the structural characteristics and physical and mechanical properties of jointed rock mass affect and determine the physical and mechanical properties of the whole rock mass. Fracture damage and failure mechanism under uniaxial compression were studied. Rock-like model specimens were prepared by precast joint method with cement mortar test materials. The cured specimens were subjected to uniaxial stepwise compression test by WAW-1000C microcomputer controlled electro-hydraulic servo machine. The ultrasonic velocity was measured under different loads, and the crack width was measured by PTS-C10 crack width meter to record the changes of crack width under different loads. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Rock mass sliding crack model theory is applicable to the analysis of crack initiation at the tip of joints under uniaxial compression, which can well explain the phenomenon of crack initiation and accumulative damage theory can also well reflect the attenuation law of ultrasonic velocity in the test. (2) During uniaxial compression, the tip of joints will germinate including wings. There are three kinds of new fine cracks, i.e. mode crack, secondary inclined crack and secondary coplanar crack. But not all joint tips will produce new cracks, and tensile cracks will occur throughout the specimen at the edge of the specimen. Secondary coplanar cracks occur later than airfoil cracks, but they also occur at the same time as airfoil cracks. Secondary inclined cracks usually occur after airfoil cracks. The types of joints vary greatly due to the variation of geometric distribution. Generally speaking, there are three kinds of joint modes: tension, shear and tension-shear. Moreover, only the vertical and horizontal joints appear tension-shear composite connection, and there is no shear crack connection mode. This shows that the geometric distribution of cracks has a great influence on the connection mode. (3) The trend of stress-strain curves varies greatly due to the number of joints and the geometric and spatial distribution of the joints, and there are obvious differences in peak stress, residual stress and strain when the peak occurs. However, the later changes of the curves all show the characteristics of brittle failure curve, and the crack initiation stress values are compared and the level is found. The stress at the beginning of cracking is smaller than that at the beginning of vertical cracking, and larger than that at the beginning of inclined cracking. The nearer the tip is to the boundary of the specimen, the smaller the value of initiation stress is; however, there is no obvious rule for the effect of inclination on initiation stress. The compressive strength and stability of flat joint specimens are higher than those of inclined joint specimens. (4) Comparing and analyzing the variation characteristics of wave velocity under load, it is concluded that the ultrasonic velocity of flat joint specimens varies with the number of joints and geometric space distribution before loading, but with the inclination angle and angle of joints in the same specimens. After loading, the wave velocity decreases with the increase of load. In general, the wave velocity decreases most in the specimens with inclined joints under the same load, but less in the specimens with parallel and vertical joints. The form of combination is closely related.
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