[Abstract]:The architectural form of Zhaoxing Dong traditional residence has regional characteristics and high research value. With the self-identification of Chinese culture and the concept of respect and protection of regional culture, the architectural form and regional culture of traditional residential buildings in Zhaoxing Dong village are an indispensable part of our Chinese culture. The architectural form and regional culture of Dong nationality have their unique cultural characteristics in the whole cultural atmosphere. This paper mainly analyzes and probes into the architectural form and regional culture of Zhaoxing Dong traditional residence, in order to develop the architectural form and regional culture of Zhaoxing Dong traditional residence, the village culture and the existing practical problems. This paper analyzes the architectural form and regional culture of Zhaoxing Dong traditional residence. Based on the architectural layout, functional features and landscape elements of Zhaoxing Dong traditional residence, this paper analyzes and probes into the functional characteristics and landscape composition of Zhaoxing Dong traditional residential building. It also puts forward some suggestions and measures for the protection of the ancient buildings of the ancient city at home and abroad, and the historical heritage and protection of the traditional residential buildings of the Dong nationality in Zhaoxing. This paper is composed of four parts: the first part: the introduction of this part from Zhaoxing Dong traditional residential building aesthetic value, how to protect the diversity of regional culture, as well as create a harmonious ecological environment for human settlements, This paper discusses the background and practical significance of this study, as well as the research methods and purposes. The second part: the present situation of Zhaoxing Dong traditional residence architecture and regional culture, which is formed from the historical background, regional environment and distribution, the development of architecture and regional culture of Zhaoxing Dong traditional residence. And the current situation of the traditional village, the material, spiritual, humanistic composition of the village. There is also Zhaoxing Dong traditional residential architecture and regional culture of the existence of practical problems. Comprehensive analysis of Zhaoxing Dong traditional residential architecture and regional culture. The third part: the function characteristic and landscape constitution of Zhaoxing Dong traditional residential building. This part analyzes the whole layout, plane layout and internal space layout of Zhaoxing traditional residential building. And through the study of the residential types, construction process, functional zoning and decorative art of Zhaoxing Dong traditional residential buildings to study the functional characteristics of Zhaoxing Dong traditional residential buildings, and then through the landscape, residential buildings, drum towers, Based on the analysis of the landscape elements such as Zhaomen Rain Bridge, this paper probes into the functional characteristics and landscape composition of the architectural form of Zhaoxing Dong traditional residence. Part IV: the historical inheritance and protection of the architectural form of Zhaoxing Dong traditional folk residence. This part combines with the foreign protection measures for the ancient buildings of the ancient city, the legal basis, and the domestic legal basis and implementation of the ancient construction of the ancient city, the fourth part: the historical heritage and protection of the traditional residential forms of the Dong nationality in Zhaoxing. How to protect and inherit the traditional residence of Zhaoxing Dongzhai under the situation of economic development, and to develop harmoniously with the current economic environment. Conclusion: from the perspective of traditional houses and regional culture, this article examines the material elements of traditional houses and the humanistic factors of regional culture, which has its unique research significance. This paper analyzes the characteristics and present situation of Zhaoxing Dong nationality village, tries to examine the present situation of protection of Dong nationality traditional residence and regional culture from the angle of traditional residence and regional culture, and puts forward the opinions and methods of inheritance and protection. Period for the protection, reconstruction and development of Dong traditional villages and culture to provide valuable reference.
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