[Abstract]:With the development of the times, people pay more and more attention to how to protect the ecological environment. Wood has been widely used in ancient buildings with distinctive characteristics, seismic resistance, durability, and has been verified many times in history. There is a serious shortage of wood resources in China, and a new type of environmental protection material is urgently needed. Through the research of a large number of scientific personnel and the present situation of forest resources in China, modern bamboo timber has come out. Modern bamboo is a new type of material made from raw bamboo by modern gluing process. After years of research, modern bamboo is now used in engineering structures, including buildings and bridges. In recent years, the modern bamboo frame shear wall structure architecture can not only satisfy the space demand of the building, but also guarantee the lateral resistance of the whole structure. In order to study the seismic performance of this kind of building theoretically, the numerical simulation method is used in this paper. The seismic behavior of a bamboo frame shear wall building is studied. According to the experience of domestic and foreign scholars, the structure material, component element and connection are defined. The seismic performance of the whole structure is analyzed from two aspects: (1) the development of bamboo and wood material, the development of bamboo and wood structure, the earthquake damage, The research status of bamboo and wood frame shear wall structure is discussed in this paper. (2) according to the actual situation of the research object, the natural vibration period and vibration mode of skeleton model and complete model are calculated by using block Lanczos method. It provides important parameters for dynamic analysis, and compares the calculated results with the calculated values of theoretical formulas. (3) the internal forces and displacements are calculated by using the mode decomposition response spectrum method. In this paper, the elastic solutions of engineering structures under frequent and rare earthquakes are solved, and the seismic responses of structures under rare and frequent earthquakes are obtained, and the horizontal seismic action of structures is obtained by using the bottom shear method. Finally, the results of response spectrum calculation and manual calculation are compared. (4) because of the uncertainty of ground motion intensity, the constitutive relationship of modern bamboo is defined by using the data in the software. In this paper, two actual seismic records and one synthetic wave are selected to exert horizontal seismic action on the structure, the seismic response of the structure under frequent and rare earthquakes is solved, and the differences between time-history analysis, response spectrum analysis and manual calculation results are compared. (5) the main component of the anti-lateral structure is the wall. In combination with the problems found in the above analysis, the effects of four parameters on the anti-lateral capacity of the whole body are analyzed, and the measures to improve the anti-seismic performance are given.
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