[Abstract]:With the rapid development and progress of the construction industry, all kinds of building structure forms are springing up in the view of people, and the frame-shear wall structure has attracted much attention because of its relatively superior performance. At the same time, frequent earthquakes have brought many disasters to human beings. The analysis of frame shear wall structure interaction under seismic loads has become a hot topic for many scholars. Based on ABAQUS finite element software and Winkler model, a pile-soil-pile-structure model is established in this paper. The influence of pile-soil interaction on the seismic response of frame shear wall structure under horizontal earthquake load is discussed. The research is mainly carried out from the following aspects: based on the p-y curve method, the p-y relation curve is derived by using Novak's k-p relation to simulate the spring under the horizontal load of pile and soil. The p-y relation curve is modified by the horizontal displacement attenuation rate of Rajashree, which is suitable for decreasing the ultimate bearing capacity of soil with the increase of hysteresis cycle number under earthquake load. The modified p-y relation expression is assigned to nonlinear spring in ABAQUS. At the same time, the hysteretic loop curve is constructed by Massing's rule, and the energy consumption of soil layer is judged by viscous damping coefficient and energy dissipation coefficient. A soil column model, which is used to simulate the shear interaction between soil layers, is established, and the three-dimensional frame-shear calculation model is used to simulate the upper frame shear wall structure. The height and width of the supplementary calculation are small. A three dimensional complex frame shear model with uniform layout is used to simulate the energy dissipation of soil layer by Winkler viscoelastic element. Based on the calculation of pile bottom by PROSHAKE software, the elastic and elastoplastic dynamic time history analysis is carried out on the basis of the strong nonlinear processing performance of ABAQUS, and the calculation models considering pile-soil interaction and not considering pile-soil interaction are analyzed respectively. The influence of the interaction on the seismic response of the structure is analyzed comparatively from the aspects of floor displacement, interstory displacement angle, floor shear force and concrete compression damage.
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