[Abstract]:BIM is a data model of construction engineering which contains information about construction projects. In recent years, BIM technology has been used more and more widely in engineering projects in China. Although the application of BIM technology has made some achievements, but also encountered many problems in the process of practice. In this paper, the application status of BIM in the field of engineering cost management in China and the problems encountered in the application process are analyzed and studied. According to the present situation of project cost management, this paper introduces the technology of BIM to solve the problems of low efficiency and poor accuracy of engineering measurement, and the difficulty of sharing cost data and information in the traditional cost management mode. In the process of construction, the design change is slow to deal with, the real-time monitoring of project cost is missing and so on. Based on the basic concept of project cost, cost management and BIM, this paper analyzes the basic method of engineering cost determination in China and the forming process of cost, the quantity, price concept, composition and interaction of project cost, and the planning and design in the early stage. Bidding, construction and transfer of the time sequence of the formation of the cost. This paper introduces BIM technology to analyze the influencing factors of engineering cost composition, and deeply analyzes the influence on cost management, engineering pricing and engineering measurement. Different owners, design, construction, supplier application of BIM technology power, resistance and conditions, to clarify the impact of BIM on the project cost. Combined with concrete cases, this paper emphatically analyzes and discusses the influence of BIM in design stage on project cost, and expounds the great value of BIM application in engineering cost management.
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