[Abstract]:Vernacular architecture, whose essence is a kind of sustainable development, is rooted in local culture and witnessed the development of a local civilization. However, under the influence of globalization, On the one hand, because it is limited by the space form of material structure and other factors, it can not meet the new needs of today; on the other hand, because of the blind innovation of native residents, it is difficult to adapt to the development of the times. The raging development of modern architecture, which has nothing to do with local culture, is being attacked by modern civilization, and the local culture is losing rapidly, while the phenomenon of cultural convergence is becoming more and more intense in the contradiction between traditional and modern. The emergence of local architecture in Xinxiang has become an inevitable trend. It inherits tradition and introduces modern civilization at the same time. It not only solves the contradiction between the two, but also organically combines the two. To make up for each other's shortcomings, located in the Dabie Mountain area at the junction of Hubei, Henan and Anhui, there are many traditional local buildings with a long history. The crystallization of the fusion of local culture and consummate skills is under the impact of modernization. In the process of disappearing, although due to economic, technological, ideological and other reasons, Local culture is difficult to perpetuate in villagers' self-built houses, but it provides local nourishment for public buildings. In recent years, the practice of some new local buildings in the Dabie Mountain area, the author hopes that through the analysis of the traditional local architecture and the new local architecture in the Dabie Mountains, we can find out the internal relationship between the two. Probe into the design method and strategy of the new local architecture in Dabie Mountain area, In the first chapter, the purpose and significance of the background research on the subject are introduced, and the present situation of the research at home and abroad is also discussed. The second chapter describes the geographical and cultural background of the Dabie Mountain area and the development process of the local traditional vernacular architecture from a mature crisis to a new vitality. The third chapter explains how the new vernacular architecture inherits the ecological view of traditional vernacular architecture from the aspect of extension of meaning. How to respond to the local natural conditions such as topography and climate Chapter IV from the aspect of form derivation discusses how to develop and merge the native material technology with the new material technology and how to spread it in the creation of the new vernacular architecture The fifth chapter analyzes how to transmit the spiritual culture and emotion of the traditional local architecture in the new local architecture and pursue the deeper artistic conception from the aspect of god's inheritance Inheritance of context the translation of local symbols and the creation of the artistic conception of mountain space Chapter VI combines the author's local practice in Dabie Mountain area from the extraction and transformation of the use of materials and techniques in relation between architecture and environment Study on the creation method of New Local Architecture in Dabie Mountain area from the aspects of embedding the connotation of culture the seventh chapter expounds the design ideas of the new local architecture in Dabie Mountain area from three aspects: extending the epoch of local expression and embodying the innovation of the new vernacular architecture in Dabie Mountain area. And put forward the problems and future prospects of the local new rural architecture road. Chapter 8, the conclusion of the whole study of the context and content of the summary.
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