[Abstract]:At present, our country is in the period of rapid development of urban construction, the energy consumption of construction industry has already accounted for 20% and 30% of the total consumption of commodity energy in our country, and the energy consumption of building is still on the rise. In order to build a resource-conserving society, ensure the sustainable development of our economy, save resources, reduce energy consumption and reduce pollution, the importance of gradually attracting enough attention. Therefore, the development of green buildings will help to reduce energy consumption, reduce industrial pollution emissions, and gradually change the construction industry from the traditional high-consumption development model to the high-efficiency ecological development model. This also accords with the development trend of international architecture. The paper starts with quantitative research on the negative effects of the equipment and facilities supporting green building technologies on the environment and energy (such as carbon emissions and energy use) in the production stage. Using the comprehensive benefit analysis model to analyze the incremental benefits of the equipment and facilities supporting the green building technology, The incremental cost of equipment and facilities of green building technology with different life cycles and the dynamic investment recovery period of green building are analyzed by using engineering economics model, and the energy consumption and emission are proposed. The calculation method of incremental cost, incremental benefit and dynamic investment payback period of green building in the whole life cycle of green building, including operation cost, etc. This paper mainly carries on the following research: (1) quantifying the environment and energy factors of the equipment and facilities supporting green building technology in the production stage, get the relevant data of green building technology environmental protection and energy saving; (2) the incremental cost and benefit of the equipment and facilities supporting the green building in the whole life cycle and the calculation method of the dynamic investment payback period of the green building are put forward. (3) because the equipment and facilities supporting green building technology are not up to their design life at present, this paper assumes the different life of the equipment and facilities supporting green building technology, and estimates the total benefit respectively. Further clarify its dynamic investment payback period change. (4) Engineering case study. The incremental cost of the whole life cycle (50 years) of the green building is negative, considering the overhaul of the equipment and facilities or the scrapping replacement, which proves that the green building is more economical than the traditional building. The dynamic investment payback period is 5.23 years, and the dynamic investment payback period of the project is 2.29 years under the economic and environmental benefits.
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