[Abstract]:The golf club is the focal point and symbol of the whole course and the key to the operation and quality of the course. As a kind of professional clubhouse building, its functions are numerous and streamline complex, and its appearance and shape can embody higher spiritual demand and cultural connotation. But the domestic existing design data set does not have the specialized classification and the explanation golf club design. With the rapid development of golf courses and related industries, this paper hopes to provide guidance for the architectural design of golf clubs in the future and provide valuable reference for future research. Focusing on the research object of this paper, from the theoretical research and its own practical application research, By analyzing and comparing the argumentation method and combining with the project of Kunming Lake Dianchi Golf Club, this paper studies the subject. The full text is divided into six chapters. The first chapter analyzes the present situation and existing problems of golf club. The second chapter studies the planning of golf clubhouse, including the location of golf clubhouse building, the overall layout and so on. The third chapter analyzes the plane design of golf club, and studies the subject function streamline and plane function of golf club. Chapter four analyzes and studies the facade of golf club. The fifth chapter is the author's practice of other golf clubs to analyze the above-mentioned research results of the case study. Chapter six is the summary and conclusion
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