[Abstract]:With the continuous advancement of the process of building factory construction in China, the construction engineering has gradually changed from field construction to factory production mode of prefabrication. Although, for the latter, the investment in building factories and purchasing equipment in the early stage is relatively high, the actual engineering data show that the latter can significantly shorten the duration of the project, reduce the total cost, save manpower and material resources, and reduce environmental pollution, and so on. So in recent years, it has been paid more and more attention and applied. Among them, pipeline engineering is the more mature application subject in the current building factory. The construction process includes the deepening design of prefabricated components, prefabrication, transportation and on-site installation, and ultimately the completion of the facility entity to operations and maintenance management. However, there are still some problems in this process: 1) the industrial construction mode of construction pipeline in China is still in its infancy, and its work flow and management mode are not perfect enough; 2) lack of intelligent and effective design tools, the deepening design process depends heavily on the equipment manufacturers, the design process is not transparent; 3) the paper or electronic document is the main transmission of information, which is easy to cause information loss and redundancy, and may be backed up in many places, resulting in inconsistent data; 4) lack of information sharing mechanism, which leads to the information transfer from one stage to the next stage effectively, forming the problem of "information island"; 5) the communication mechanism among the participants is not perfect and there is no effective cooperative work platform, which can easily lead to information distortion or loss. Building Information Model (Building Information Model,BIM) integrates all kinds of information about construction projects and products on the basis of 3D digital model. BIM technology can effectively solve the problems of information sharing and multi-party collaborative work in all stages, and can support the visualization and intelligent deepening design. Thus, it provides technical support for solving the above problems. Based on this concept and technology, this paper aims at industrial construction of building pipeline. Firstly, the technical characteristics of information management in the whole process of industrial construction of building pipeline are studied. Then, two key problems, namely, deepening design technology of prefabricated components and multi-party business process management, are studied in depth, and a solution for further industrial design and auxiliary construction of building pipelines based on BIM is put forward. Based on this solution and the previous research work of the research group, a building pipeline industrial information management platform (BIM-IMP) based on BIM is designed and built. The platform consists of four systems, namely, the Industrial component Design system (BIM-FDD) and the Industrial subsidiary Construction Management system (BIM-FC). The information management system of factory mobile platform (BIM-FM) and the operation and maintenance management system of electromechanical equipment (BIM-FIM). BIM-IMP can solve the problem of information sharing in every stage of factory construction. It provides a unified platform for multi-participants to work together. The platform has been applied and verified in two large scale projects, and has obtained good economic and social benefits, which provides a good reference for further promoting the development of building factory and BIM technology.
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