[Abstract]:Fly ash, as a by-product of power plant, has been polluting the environment of the earth. With the deepening of the understanding of fly ash, people apply it to a wide range of engineering fields, especially to concrete engineering. Because of its excellent performance, concrete is currently the most widely used artificial building material in the world. Its annual output (2012) has now reached 200 million tons. Therefore, the reasonable development and application of fly ash concrete is of great significance to the development of green building materials. Although there has been some progress in the research of fly ash concrete, the research of high content fly ash concrete is still lacking. For the general fly ash concrete, the fly ash content is between 15% and 20%, and the fly ash content of the high content fly ash concrete is about 50%. In this paper, the fly ash concrete with 70% fly ash and 90% fly ash is studied. According to the concept of cementitious coefficient put forward by Professor Wang Lijiu of Dalian University of Technology, the cementitious coefficient 尾 is a variable related to the fineness of fly ash, water demand and burning loss. The formula of cementitious coefficient 尾 of super high content fly ash concrete is determined by experiment. From the point of view of cementitious coefficient, fly ash is considered as a separate component of ultra-high content fly ash concrete, and three parameters related to the mix design of ultra-high content fly ash concrete are determined: unit water consumption, ratio of cement to cement, ratio of water to binder, ratio of water to binder, Based on this model, the calculation model of mix ratio of ultra-high content fly ash concrete is established, and the design steps of mix ratio of super high content fly ash concrete are summarized according to a large number of experimental data. Finally, the influence of fly ash content, water-binder ratio, type of fly ash activator and curing age on its strength is analyzed through a large number of experimental data. The results show that the compressive strength of super-high content fly ash concrete will decrease with the increase of fly ash content and the decrease of water-binder ratio, and the compressive strength will still increase after 28 days of curing under standard conditions. According to the physical and chemical properties of fly ash itself, the compressive strength can be improved by adding certain activator in ultra-high content fly ash concrete.
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