[Abstract]:Street space is an important part of urban public space. The shape of street space boundary affects the pattern of street space to a great extent. In this paper, the visual perception of street space is taken as the starting point, and the method of determining the visual boundary of street space at different speeds is studied by means of viewshed tool based on GIS platform. In Dingwauw, Nanjing University and (An approach for simulating the street spatial patterns), a paper on children's rain, the visual perception of Nanjing, Berlin, Six representative sections of city streets, such as Paris, were analyzed quantitatively by (street spatial pattern), which basically realized the representation of street spatial patterns under different urban texture. However, a continuous boundary of street space is an important prerequisite for extracting visual data. The author simplifies the problem based on visual experience. Is it appropriate to deal with this problem? Will the conclusion be biased? In order to answer these questions, this paper studies the visual boundary determination method of street space on the basis of its research, and verifies the rationality of this method by comparing with the original conclusion. Different from the street wall of traditional European city streets, the street buildings in Chinese cities are more discrete, and there are often spatial areas with no clear material boundary caused by the space between buildings, the retreat of buildings, the intersection and so on. Thus, in visual perception, the boundary of street space is relatively fuzzy. In this paper, the emphasis of the research is on the determination of the intersection boundary of the street. By studying the type of the urban intersection slice, the ideal model of three streets can be obtained which can contain each type of intersection. This paper introduces the factor of velocity, and analyzes the visual field of the ideal street model at different observation speeds, and compares the visual data of T-n curves at three different speeds. It is concluded that T-9 curve can accurately characterize the shape of street space at different velocities, so T-9 curve is defined as the visual boundary line of street space. Finally, this paper reconducts the visual simulation of six urban street slices, and compares the results with < An approach for. The comparison and analysis of the data in this paper verify the rationality of the method for determining the boundary of street space.
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