[Abstract]:With the accelerating process of globalization, the competition between markets is becoming more and more fierce, especially the competition of knowledge is the core content of competition among enterprises. As an important part of improving knowledge competitiveness, employee training can enhance the adaptability of enterprises to society, ensure the flexibility of enterprises in the process of development, and build the knowledge and human resource basis for dynamic optimization of strategic adjustment system. At the same time, for the employees themselves, training is also the requirement of the employees' career development, and it is also the practical need to realize the common goal between the employees and the enterprises. In recent years, more attention has been paid to the development of staff training, but since H design company has been reformed by institutions, it has not established a perfect organizational guarantee in the process of staff training. Therefore, this paper takes the actual training of H design company as the starting point, using relevant training theory combined with questionnaire survey and interview method, to investigate and analyze the training situation of H design company. Through the investigation, it is found that due to the influence of the traditional training concept, the current employee training in H Design Company is not systematic, unreasonable, the object is relatively single, and the training method is relatively boring. Lack of training feedback channels and mechanisms, and the actual training needs of employees and other issues. In view of the existing problems, combined with the theory and practice of modern employee training, this paper proposes to strengthen the investigation and analysis of training needs, improve the training feedback mechanism and channels, and formulate a scientific training plan for employees. Design diversified training courses and contents, develop various forms of staff training, pay attention to the effectiveness of employee training and other countermeasures. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the staff training system of the company, this article also constructs the good training environment, strengthens the staff training responsibility and the examination, consummates the staff training related management system, further enhances the teacher safeguard level and so on. This paper puts forward the guarantee measures of the employee training system of H Design Company, which can promote the staff training system of H Design Company to be more scientific, standardized, consistent with the human resource development strategy of the company, and promote the sustainable development of the enterprise.
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