[Abstract]:"Green Building" requires buildings to reduce energy consumption, save resources, including saving land, water, building materials and building energy in the process of planning, construction and operation in order to protect the natural environment. Providing ecological and efficient architecture is the embodiment and extension of sustainable development concept in the field of construction. At the national level, the construction of ecological civilization has been raised to an unprecedented level. Protecting the environment and saving resources are important measures for the country to achieve sustainable development. In the field of construction, the government puts forward the idea of "energy saving and land saving housing and public building", which requires the development of green building. Since the 11th Five-Year Plan, China has increased its efforts to promote the development of green buildings. Judging from the current situation, the development of green buildings in various parts of the country is uneven because of the differences in economic conditions, geographical location, climate and environment, etc. The development of green buildings also presents different characteristics. In recent years, Jiangsu Province has conscientiously carried out the spirit and requirements of the central authorities, combined with the actual development of the province, actively carried out the construction of policies and regulations, and strengthened the standardization and guidance of green building work. The government has played a good role in promoting the development of green buildings and formed a preliminary management system. However, we are also soberly aware that the development of green buildings in Jiangsu is only in its infancy. The energy consumption problem of buildings in China and Jiangsu is still severe, and there are still many problems to be solved in the management of the government. From this point of view, it is of practical significance to analyze and study the development of green buildings in Jiangsu Province. As to how to further promote the development of green buildings in Jiangsu Province, this paper analyzes the ideas of putting forward problems, analyzing problems and solving problems. Firstly, the necessity and feasibility of promoting the development of green building in Jiangsu Province are analyzed according to the present situation of energy consumption and the foundation of green building work in Jiangsu Province. Then, this paper analyzes the current situation, problems and reasons of promoting the development of green buildings in Jiangsu Province from the following aspects: the formulation of policies and regulations, the exertion of government functions, the perfection of technical system and the establishment of economic incentive mechanism; By using comparative method and case analysis, this paper introduces the practice and successful experience of promoting the development of green building at home and abroad. Finally, starting from the basic situation of Jiangsu Province, combining the successful methods abroad and the specific policies of Wujin District, aiming at the problems existing in promoting the development of green buildings in Jiangsu Province, the author puts forward to give full play to the administration and law. The concrete measures of technology and market function are of practical significance and application value for Jiangsu Province, which is now in the developing stage of promoting green building. At present, most of the research on green buildings is still on the technical level. Although there are some studies from the angle of economics and management, but the number is relatively small, and the scope of research is also relatively narrow. There are few researches on how to give play to the role of government management to promote the development of green buildings, so the perspective of this paper is innovative. In order to better analyze the content of the research, this paper adopts the methods of literature research, empirical research, comparative research, experience summary and so on, and expounds the research problems through charts, examples, and so on. In this paper, the research on promoting the development of green building in Jiangsu Province is mainly carried out in the aspects of policies and regulations, government functions, technical system and economic incentive mechanism.
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