[Abstract]:The contract relationship between the contractor and the contractor, which is the main participant in the project, is often considered to be inefficient and rigid. In order to prevent the occurrence of moral hazard and opportunism, the contractor transfers the risks to the contractor at the same time of increasing the control of his own side in order to prevent the occurrence of the moral hazard and opportunism of the contractor. In order to survive, the contractor reluctantly accepts the contract and then attempts to obtain a higher settlement price by means of changes, price adjustments, claims, etc., during the construction process. The adversarial thinking of both sides leads to endless responsibility prevarication in the process of performance, which leads to disputes, resulting in delays in the construction period, out of control of investment, or even poor quality of the project, resulting in damage to the self-interests of the contracting parties. The effective way to solve this dilemma is: from the perspective of mutual benefit, the two parties should cooperate actively and change the antagonistic relationship between the two sides into a partnership. Scholars have emphasized the important role of cooperation in achieving the objectives, and that if the cooperation can be maintained, the contractor and the contractor can share greater risks and thus achieve the common goal, And the cooperation of stakeholders in the project will replace the traditional pattern of confrontational relationships, in which the common goals of all parties will be more easily achieved. In this context, trust has been regarded as an effective means of promoting cooperation in theory. Trust is the key governance factor to induce the effect of partnership model, and a good atmosphere of cooperation can be formed through trust. However, the existing scholars have not carried out in-depth discussion on trust and cooperation, have not revealed the mechanism of trust affecting cooperation, and cannot effectively stimulate the emergence of trust-based cooperation between the two parties. In this paper, it is found that the contract flexibility, which is one of the most commonly used risk coping mechanisms, is an effective expression of negotiation and reasonable risk sharing. Since the embedding of contract flexibility is carried out under the premise of good mutual trust between the two parties of the contract, and the flexibility of the contract is an ex post adjustment mechanism to deal with uncertainty, the project cooperation can be promoted. Therefore, contract flexibility is an important intermediary variable in trust influence cooperation. In view of this, this paper explores the relationship between trust, contract flexibility and cooperation by means of literature research, theoretical deduction, questionnaire investigation and empirical analysis, and makes an in-depth discussion on the following aspects: (1) based on governance theory, this paper explores the relationship between trust, contract flexibility and cooperation. On the basis of combing the existing literature, this paper explores the influence mechanism of trust and contract flexibility on the improvement of cooperation, constructs the correlation model between trust, contract flexibility and cooperation, and puts forward the theoretical assumptions of this paper. In this paper, contract flexibility is put forward as the intermediate variable of the relationship between trust and cooperation, and trust is divided into ability trust based on rationality, The three dimensions of perceptual intuitive trust and relational trust based on communicative behavior are discussed. (2) using expert interview and group discussion, the operational definitions of trust, contract flexibility and cooperation in project organization are given. And set up the scale of measurement of the above three constructs. Through a questionnaire survey, the reliability and validity of the measurement scale were tested. (3) 220 valid sample data collected were analyzed by using structural equation model, and the research hypotheses proposed in this paper were tested, and the trust and contract flexibility were verified. The interaction path between cooperation is calculated, and the mechanism of action among them is revealed. (4) based on the proven research hypothesis, this paper proposes a set of strategies to enhance mutual trust and improve cooperation.
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