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发布时间:2019-04-02 17:10
【摘要】:古村落生活世界及其生活体系规划是传统聚落研究的重要内容。本文从生活世界的角度剖析了古村落生活主体的分类及其生活的本质特征、古村落生活世界的结构及核心价值、古村落生活体系的发展变迁、生活体系的空间规划等内容。文章以苏州明月湾古村落为主要研究对象,分析了其生活体系现实表征,并针对不同的生活主体提出系统规划路径及选择倾向,继而将子系统运用到对应的生活空间中,全文结论如下: 古村落生活世界是古村落生活体系的背景预设,而生活体系是生活世界的现实再生。根据对古村落生活世界的结构分析,提出古村住民是生活世界的主体,并主导着生活世界中文化、社会的更新与再生产。而住民及其实践活动的主导性决定了生活体系按主体分为原住村民、文化移民以及短期住民的生活体系。生活体系是由日常生活情节、社会生活情节和信仰生活情节串联而成,不同的实践主体存在不同的生活情节,存在对依托日常生活情节更新生活体系、再生社会生活情节对接生活体系和活化信仰生活情节融入生活体系三大系统规划路径选择倾向的区别。古村落生活空间规划是将各类主体的生活体系具体应用到物质载体中并对其进行规划,包括基础生活空间、社会生活空间和核心生活空间规划,其中基础生活空间承载日常生活情节,社会生活空间承载社会生活情节,信仰生活情节则发生于核心生活空间。
[Abstract]:The planning of ancient village life world and its life system is an important content of traditional settlement research. From the point of view of life world, this paper analyzes the classification of the main body of life in ancient villages and the essential characteristics of life, the structure and core value of life world in ancient villages, the development and change of life system in ancient villages, the spatial planning of life system, and so on. Taking the ancient village of Mingyue Bay in Suzhou as the main research object, this paper analyzes the realistic representation of its life system, puts forward the systematic planning path and choice tendency for different living subjects, and then applies the subsystem to the corresponding living space. The conclusion is as follows: the ancient village life world is the background presupposition of the ancient village life system, and the life system is the realistic regeneration of the life world. According to the structure analysis of the living world of ancient villages, it is pointed out that the inhabitants of ancient villages are the main body of the life world, and dominate the renewal and reproduction of culture and society in the life world. The dominant role of the aborigines and their practical activities determines that the life system is divided into indigenous villagers, cultural immigrants and short-term residents according to the main body. The life system is made up of daily life plot, social life plot and belief life plot. Different practice subjects have different life plot, and exist to renew the life system depending on the daily life plot. The difference between the rebirth social life plot and the active belief life plot in the choice of planning path of the three major systems of life system is the difference between the life system and the active belief life plot. The living space planning of ancient villages is to apply the life system of all kinds of subjects to the material carrier and plan it, including the basic living space, the social living space and the core living space, and the planning of the basic living space, the social living space and the core living space. The basic living space carries the daily life plot, the social life space carries the social life plot, and the belief life plot takes place in the core living space.


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