[Abstract]:The first chapter is to explain the background of this study, that is, the aging of Suzhou population, family size change, per capita housing area change and consumption structure changes in the background of this paper to carry out the study. At the same time, it defines the main concept of this paper, the related basic theory research and the research framework of this paper. The second chapter is the introduction of the planning background of Suzhou Industrial Park, the introduction of the research object and the summary of the situation, that is, the basic analysis of the public service facilities and residents of the residential neighborhood. The first chapter and the second chapter are the first part of this paper, which is the preparation and introduction of the main research. The research object of this paper is three kinds of residential neighborhood public service facilities in Suzhou Industrial Park, including neighborhood center and neighborhood park. Educational facilities (primary and nine-year schools) The third chapter is the second part of this paper, that is, the investigation and analysis of the basic information of these three kinds of facilities. The fourth chapter is the third part of this paper, that is, the layout types of residential neighborhood public service facilities in the park are classified into five types, and the characteristics of these five layout types are described and analyzed. The fifth chapter is the fourth part of this study. On the basis of chapter three and chapter four, it focuses on the relationship between residents in residential neighborhood and public service facilities in residential neighborhood, and mainly focuses on the satisfaction questionnaire. The sixth chapter is the conclusion of this paper. Through the analysis of satisfaction questionnaire combined with field observation and interview, suggestions for optimizing and adjusting different types of public service facilities and different layout types of public service facilities are put forward.
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