发布时间:2019-04-30 17:08
【摘要】:受气候变化的影响,不少城市在雨水问题上常处于两种极端:雨水匮乏的干旱地带以及雨水过剩的洪涝地带。而由这些恶劣环境所造成的诸如城市热岛效应、水资源短缺、水资源污染等一系列的负面影响不仅威胁到了城市居民的生活质量,同时也阻碍的城市的可持续发展。 水能载舟亦能覆舟。论文通过分析城市雨水基础设施的现状及其弊端,强调了雨水资源利用的重要性;分析国内外景观中雨水管理与利用的科学理论和成功案例,阐述了雨水处理景观化的可行性与优越性。论文根据不同的雨水处理景观进行分类研究,对景观的规划以及艺术处理方面提出科学合理的设计模式。 论文详细介绍了各种雨水处理景观的表现形态及其不同的处理特色。将雨水的源头控制、地表径流的渗透、储存以及排放等方面作为切入点,以控制水量、改善水质、雨水再利用为目的,提出了雨水与景观相结合的设计方法。通过对地形、水体形态、植物配置等方面的研究,进一步阐述雨水管理与利用的景观化处理。 本文试图通过对雨水管理与利用的景观化问题的探讨,为设计师在今后雨水处理的景观化设计中提供参考。
[Abstract]:Affected by climate change, many cities are often at two extremes on Rain Water: Rain Water's scarce arid zone and Rain Water's excess flood zone. However, a series of negative effects such as urban heat island effect, water shortage and water pollution caused by these adverse environments not only threaten the quality of life of the urban residents, but also hinder the sustainable development of the city. The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up銆,
[Abstract]:Affected by climate change, many cities are often at two extremes on Rain Water: Rain Water's scarce arid zone and Rain Water's excess flood zone. However, a series of negative effects such as urban heat island effect, water shortage and water pollution caused by these adverse environments not only threaten the quality of life of the urban residents, but also hinder the sustainable development of the city. The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up銆,