[Abstract]:Waste glass concrete refers to the waste glass concrete which is prepared by artificial washing, drying, crushing and screening, and replacing the fine aggregate natural river sand in ordinary concrete according to a certain grade. As a means of recycling waste, waste glass concrete has very important practical significance. As a new type of green environmental protection building material, it can not only save natural aggregate resources, but also alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand of natural resources, strengthen environmental protection, and reduce the pollution of waste to the city and its surrounding environment. At present, the application of waste glass concrete is more and more extensive, but the research of Liang Zhu joint of waste glass concrete is still less. In this paper, the model of Liang Zhu cross joint of waste glass concrete is established by using the large-scale general finite element software ABAQUS,. Under the condition of monotone load and low cyclic load at the end of the beam, the mechanical properties of the joint are analyzed. Under monotone load, the stress moire pattern and load-displacement curve of Liang Zhu joint between waste glass concrete and ordinary concrete are compared, and their stress characteristics and failure modes are observed. Under the action of low cycle cyclic load, the models of 18 waste glass concrete Liang Zhu joint members are established by changing the parameters, including waste glass replacement rate, joint hoop ratio, axial compression ratio, small eccentric compression and so on. The longitudinal stress distribution of the section of the joint and the stress distribution of the steel bar are obtained, and their stress and failure form are observed. When the single parameter is different, the seismic performance of waste glass concrete Liang Zhu joint under low cyclic loading is analyzed by comparing the hysteretic curve, skeleton curve, ductile coefficient, stiffness degradation and strength degradation of the joint members.
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