发布时间:2019-06-19 14:28
【摘要】:我国加入WTO以后,国际化进展不断加快,我国建筑行业也逐渐扩大了对外交流,不仅越来越多国内企业开始大量承担涉外工程,国外设计公司也逐渐进入国内市场。由于国内外所采用的设计标准不同,因此在结构分析中,经常发现结构分析结果有很大差异。而欧洲混凝土结构设计规范在欧洲各国及非洲和亚洲一些国家中都有应用,是一套通用性、系统性、理论性较强的结构设计规范,在业界具有较强的影响力和先进性,可能成为一套国际标准。因此研究对比中欧混凝土结构设计规范异同点,有助于解决涉外工程结构分析中产生的问题,为进一步扩大我国建筑行业对外交流奠定基础。 同时研究对比中欧混凝土结构设计规范差异,可以全面了解欧洲混凝土结构设计规范现状及该领域国际发展方向,并在这一认识基础上,为我国混凝土结构设计规范修订及相关人员了解熟悉欧洲混凝土结构设计规范提供帮助,有助于今后我国混凝土结构设计规范的修订,同时有助于我国混凝土结构设计规范与国际接轨。 而EN1992-1-1部分给出了有关使用标准轻骨料制成的素混凝土、钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土制成的结构的通用设计基础,以及建筑物的特殊规定。而EN1992-2除了包含EN1992-1-1部分中描述的大部分内容外,还规定了有关桥梁设计的原则与应用准则。EN1992-1-1部分中只有极少数内容在EN1992-2中被明确删除或更改,而其他的所有条款规定均适用于桥梁设计。 因此本文主要是将GB50010-2010与EN1992-2进行对比。而且会大量引用我国规范《公路钢筋混凝土与预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范》(JTG D62-2004)里的条款。 本文的主要研究内容如下: (1)对比中欧规范一般设计原则及荷载效应组合的条款,弄清了我国规范是采用基于可靠度设计方法,而欧洲规范是在可靠度分析的基础上使用分项系数方法进行结构设计的。同时欧洲规范采用的荷载及荷载组合值系数均比我国规范大,欧洲规范结构设计更为保守。 (2)对比中欧规范所采用材料,弄清了中欧规范在同一混凝土强度等级下,欧洲规范对应的混凝土标准强度、弹性模量、强度设计值的取值都比我国规范大,,且中欧规范非线性结构应力-应变关系曲线出现峰值应变之前非常接近,在峰值应变之后,我国规范极限应变比欧洲规范大很多,另外欧洲规范混凝土分项系数比我国规范混凝土分项系数平均大3.33%。欧洲规范取值更为保守。对比中欧规范钢筋特性,弄清了中欧规范钢筋品种、规格比较接近,而钢筋强度级别有所不同,我国钢筋是低、中、高级别兼顾,而欧洲规范没有低强度级别,偏重于向中、高级别发展。另外在相同钢筋级别下,中欧规范对钢筋强度取值和弹性模量取值是相同的,而对于钢筋分项系数,欧洲规范取值比我国规范平均小4.17%。 (3)对比中欧规范对混凝土构件的二阶效应分析,弄清了中欧规范可直接通过考虑结构几何非线性效应的分析方法计算,也可在一阶分析的基础上,考虑弯矩增大系数近似计算。在弯矩增大系数法中,与我国规范相比,欧洲规范的计算方法比较复杂,计算中还涉及到了钢筋面积,而且还考虑了一阶弯矩中由初始缺陷引起的弯矩。另外我国规范只考虑有侧移的情况,而欧洲规范按无侧移和有侧移两种情况考虑。欧洲规范在二阶效应方面的考虑较我国规范更为保守。 (4)对比中欧规范非荷载裂缝控制条款,弄清了我国规范构造配筋在梁两侧,且在箍筋内侧,而欧洲规范的在梁两侧和下部,且在箍筋之外。另外我国规范对构造配筋和伸缩缝的规定更为详细。对比中欧规范对钢筋混凝土构件荷载裂缝的控制方法,弄清了我国采用裂缝宽度验算的方法进行控制,而欧洲规范裂缝控制验算内容较多,包括计算最小钢筋面积、限制混凝土和钢筋应力、不需进行计算的裂缝控制和裂缝宽度验算。中欧规范对于裂缝宽度计算方法较接近。
[Abstract]:After China's entry into WTO, the international progress has been accelerating, and the construction industry in China has also gradually expanded its foreign exchange, and not only more and more domestic enterprises have started a large number of foreign-related projects, and foreign design companies gradually enter the domestic market. Because the design standards adopted at home and abroad are different, the results of structural analysis are often found to be different in the structural analysis. The design code of the European concrete structure has been applied in some countries of European countries and in Africa and Asia. It is a general, systematic and theoretical structure design code, which has strong influence and advancement in the industry, and may become an international standard. Therefore, it is helpful to study the differences and differences between the design codes of the concrete structures in China and to solve the problems arising in the analysis of the structural analysis of foreign-related projects, and to lay the foundation for further expanding the foreign exchange in the construction industry in China. At the same time, the difference of the design code of the concrete structure in China is studied, and the present situation of the design of concrete structures in Europe and the direction of international development in this field can be fully understood, and the basis of this knowledge is also discussed. On the other hand, it is helpful for the revision of the design code of the concrete structure of China and the knowledge of the relevant personnel to be familiar with the design code of the European concrete structure, which is helpful to the revision of the design specifications of the concrete structures in the future, and also to the design specifications and international connection of the concrete structures in China. The rail. And the EN1992-1-1 section gives a general design basis for the structure of plain concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete made of standard light aggregate, as well as the structure of the building in addition to the majority of the content described in the part of EN1992-1-1, EN1992-2 also provides for the principles and requirements of the design of the bridge Only a few of the contents of the EN 1992-1-1 section are explicitly deleted or changed in EN1992-2, and all other provisions apply to the bridge Beam design. Therefore, GB50010-2010 and EN1992- 2. The comparison is made, and a large number of reference is made to China's Code for Design of the Bridge and Culvert of Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete (JTG D62-2004). The terms of the article. The principal of this article The contents of the study are as follows: (1) Comparing the general design principle and the load effect combination of China and Central Europe, it is clear that our country's standard is adopted Based on the reliability design method, the European specification uses the sub-factor on the basis of reliability analysis The design of the method is carried out. At the same time, the load and load combination value coefficient adopted in the European specification is larger than that of our country, and the European gauge The structure design is more conservative. (2) The material used in the Central European specification is compared, and the standard strength, elastic modulus and strength of the concrete corresponding to the European specification are clarified under the same concrete strength level. The value of the value is larger than that of the Chinese standard, and the stress-strain relation curve of the nonlinear structural stress-strain relation curve of the China-European standard is very close before the peak strain, and after the peak strain, the standard limit strain of China is much larger than that of the European standard. In addition, the sub-item coefficient of the European standard concrete is more than that of the standard concrete in China. The average of the term coefficient is 3.33%. The value of the European specification is more conservative. By comparing the characteristics of the steel bars in China and the Central Europe, it is clear that the standard steel bars of China and Central Europe are close to each other, and the strength grade of the steel bars is different, and the reinforcement in China is low, medium and high-level, while the European specifications do not have a low strength level, In addition, under the same level of reinforcement, the value of the value of the strength and the modulus of elasticity of the steel bar is the same, and for the sub-item coefficient of the reinforcement, the value of the European specification is greater than that of me. The second-order effect analysis of the structural geometry nonlinear effect can be directly considered by the comparison of the two-order effect analysis of the central-and-European norms on the concrete components, and the first-order analysis can also be based on the first-order analysis. In the method of increasing the bending moment, the calculation method of the European specification is more complicated than that of the Chinese standard, and the calculation method is also concerned with the area of the steel bar, and the first order is also considered. The bending moment caused by the initial defect in the bending moment. No side-shift and side-shift considerations. The European specification is in the second-order effect The consideration of the surface is more conservative than that of our country's specifications. (4) The non-load crack control provisions in China and Central Europe have been compared, and the structural reinforcement of China's specifications is found on both sides of the beam and on the inner side of the stirrups, and the European specification On both sides and in the lower part of the beam and outside of the stirrups. The regulation of structural reinforcement and expansion joint is more detailed. The control method of the load crack of the reinforced concrete member is compared with that of the Central European Standard. The method for checking the crack width of the reinforced concrete member is clarified, and the calculation of the crack control in the European specification is much more, including the calculation of the minimum. The area of the reinforcement shall be limited to the stress of the concrete and the reinforcement. Calculation of crack control and crack width in line calculation
[Abstract]:After China's entry into WTO, the international progress has been accelerating, and the construction industry in China has also gradually expanded its foreign exchange, and not only more and more domestic enterprises have started a large number of foreign-related projects, and foreign design companies gradually enter the domestic market. Because the design standards adopted at home and abroad are different, the results of structural analysis are often found to be different in the structural analysis. The design code of the European concrete structure has been applied in some countries of European countries and in Africa and Asia. It is a general, systematic and theoretical structure design code, which has strong influence and advancement in the industry, and may become an international standard. Therefore, it is helpful to study the differences and differences between the design codes of the concrete structures in China and to solve the problems arising in the analysis of the structural analysis of foreign-related projects, and to lay the foundation for further expanding the foreign exchange in the construction industry in China. At the same time, the difference of the design code of the concrete structure in China is studied, and the present situation of the design of concrete structures in Europe and the direction of international development in this field can be fully understood, and the basis of this knowledge is also discussed. On the other hand, it is helpful for the revision of the design code of the concrete structure of China and the knowledge of the relevant personnel to be familiar with the design code of the European concrete structure, which is helpful to the revision of the design specifications of the concrete structures in the future, and also to the design specifications and international connection of the concrete structures in China. The rail. And the EN1992-1-1 section gives a general design basis for the structure of plain concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete made of standard light aggregate, as well as the structure of the building in addition to the majority of the content described in the part of EN1992-1-1, EN1992-2 also provides for the principles and requirements of the design of the bridge Only a few of the contents of the EN 1992-1-1 section are explicitly deleted or changed in EN1992-2, and all other provisions apply to the bridge Beam design. Therefore, GB50010-2010 and EN1992- 2. The comparison is made, and a large number of reference is made to China's Code for Design of the Bridge and Culvert of Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete (JTG D62-2004). The terms of the article. The principal of this article The contents of the study are as follows: (1) Comparing the general design principle and the load effect combination of China and Central Europe, it is clear that our country's standard is adopted Based on the reliability design method, the European specification uses the sub-factor on the basis of reliability analysis The design of the method is carried out. At the same time, the load and load combination value coefficient adopted in the European specification is larger than that of our country, and the European gauge The structure design is more conservative. (2) The material used in the Central European specification is compared, and the standard strength, elastic modulus and strength of the concrete corresponding to the European specification are clarified under the same concrete strength level. The value of the value is larger than that of the Chinese standard, and the stress-strain relation curve of the nonlinear structural stress-strain relation curve of the China-European standard is very close before the peak strain, and after the peak strain, the standard limit strain of China is much larger than that of the European standard. In addition, the sub-item coefficient of the European standard concrete is more than that of the standard concrete in China. The average of the term coefficient is 3.33%. The value of the European specification is more conservative. By comparing the characteristics of the steel bars in China and the Central Europe, it is clear that the standard steel bars of China and Central Europe are close to each other, and the strength grade of the steel bars is different, and the reinforcement in China is low, medium and high-level, while the European specifications do not have a low strength level, In addition, under the same level of reinforcement, the value of the value of the strength and the modulus of elasticity of the steel bar is the same, and for the sub-item coefficient of the reinforcement, the value of the European specification is greater than that of me. The second-order effect analysis of the structural geometry nonlinear effect can be directly considered by the comparison of the two-order effect analysis of the central-and-European norms on the concrete components, and the first-order analysis can also be based on the first-order analysis. In the method of increasing the bending moment, the calculation method of the European specification is more complicated than that of the Chinese standard, and the calculation method is also concerned with the area of the steel bar, and the first order is also considered. The bending moment caused by the initial defect in the bending moment. No side-shift and side-shift considerations. The European specification is in the second-order effect The consideration of the surface is more conservative than that of our country's specifications. (4) The non-load crack control provisions in China and Central Europe have been compared, and the structural reinforcement of China's specifications is found on both sides of the beam and on the inner side of the stirrups, and the European specification On both sides and in the lower part of the beam and outside of the stirrups. The regulation of structural reinforcement and expansion joint is more detailed. The control method of the load crack of the reinforced concrete member is compared with that of the Central European Standard. The method for checking the crack width of the reinforced concrete member is clarified, and the calculation of the crack control in the European specification is much more, including the calculation of the minimum. The area of the reinforcement shall be limited to the stress of the concrete and the reinforcement. Calculation of crack control and crack width in line calculation
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