[Abstract]:With the rapid development of society, natural gas, as an efficient and clean energy, is the third largest natural energy after coal and oil, and has entered various fields of life. Natural gas needs to go through multi-stage pressure regulation before it can be used by users. Gas pressure regulating station is one of the pressure regulating links, which plays an important role in gas pressure regulating system. The automation level of gas voltage regulating station has become an important symbol of the modernization of urban gas industry. Therefore, it is of great significance for the development of gas industry to establish automatic monitoring system of gas voltage regulating station and realize the automatic operation of voltage regulating station. Combined with the background of the industry, the automatic monitoring system of gas voltage regulating station is studied as follows. First of all, the present situation of a gas voltage regulating station in Lezhi County, Sichuan Province is investigated and analyzed, combined with the current advanced technology, the technical improvement and system upgrade are carried out, and the overall control scheme of Siemens PLC PC is adopted. The scheme is a gas pressure regulating station monitoring system composed of PLC as the control core, pressure transmitter (pressure transmitter, temperature transmitter) as the detection element, solenoid valve, pneumatic pressure regulating valve as the executive structure and WINCC as the monitoring interface. Among them, the solenoid valve plays the role of opening and closing, and the pressure regulating valve plays the role of pressure regulation. In order to implement the scheme, it is necessary to select the field instruments with high performance and price, including transmitter, solenoid valve, pressure regulating valve and so on. Aiming at the difficulty of air pressure control, the fuzzy PID control strategy based on parameter self-tuning is adopted, and the fuzzy PID controller is designed. On the basis of establishing the mathematical model of the controlled object, the simulation results of the whole pressure control system show that the fuzzy PID control plays a better role in reducing pressure and stabilizing the pressure behind the valve. Finally, the monitoring system of the voltage regulating station is designed, including the hardware design and software design of the monitoring system (PLC control program design, upper computer interface design). The data exchange between MATLAB and PLC is realized by using OPC technology, and the designed fuzzy PID controller is effectively applied to PLC. Through the system debugging, the real-time monitoring of the gas voltage regulating station is finally realized.
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