发布时间:2019-06-27 14:51
【摘要】:中国制造业、建筑业等劳动密集型产业依靠大量廉价的劳动力资源在国际上有很高的比较优势。从改革开放以来,大量的建设工程开始兴起,建筑业蓬勃发展。作为典型的劳动密集型产业,建筑产业吸引了大批的农村进城务工的剩余劳动力。这些廉价的农村剩余劳动力支撑了建筑业和中国经济的高速发展。然而,劳动力的大量、廉价的优势在近几年开始发生了转变。人工价格逐年上涨,劳动密集型产业出现人工供给不足。随着劳动力价格的上涨,人工工资的提高,工人的缺乏,建筑企业开始意识到廉价劳动力的优势已经开始减弱。人工费在建设工程直接费中所占的比例逐年升高,但人工工资的提高却并没有带来充足的劳动力资源,施工现场仍存在招工难,缺工严重的情况。为了能够帮助建筑企业解决人工成本上涨带来的一系列问题,本文从寻找引起人工成本上涨的影响因素入手,量化指标变量,建立回归模型,准确的找到人工成本变动的影响因素。以影响因素为依据,分析未来人工成本变动的趋势,并为企业提出合理应对的措施建议。 首先,本文以重庆市为例,全面调查了建设工程人工成本的现状。从劳动力供需情况、劳动力基本素质、人工工资、建筑工地工作环境、人工费总体变动情况等方面入手,进行了大量的问卷调查和访谈。从全面的调查中,,认清了目前人工成本变动的情况,产生的影响,并结合文献及专家访谈,得出了引起人工成本变动的影响因素。 为了进一步明确这些因素对人工成本的影响,本文通过量化因素指标,通过建立向量自回归模型(Vector Auto Regression-VAR)模型,对识别出的要素进行实证,准确找出人工成本变动的影响因素。结合实证得出的影响因素,对人工成本未来的变动趋势做出预测和分析,并为企业应对人工成本未来的变动提出合理的措施建议。 本文采用定性与定量研究相结合的方法,在全面了解实际的基础上运用理论模型,用指标和模型将影响因素与研究目标之间的关系清晰化。旨在能够为建筑行业及企业的发展,提供有效的建议。
[Abstract]:China's manufacturing, construction and other labor-intensive industries rely on a large number of cheap labor resources in the international comparative advantage. Since the reform and opening up, a large number of construction projects began to rise, the construction industry flourished. As a typical labor-intensive industry, the construction industry attracts a large number of rural migrant workers in the surplus labor force. These cheap rural surplus labor support the construction industry and the rapid development of China's economy. However, the large and cheap advantages of labor have begun to shift in recent years. The labor price rises year by year, the labor-intensive industry appears the labor supply insufficiency. With the rise of labor prices, the increase of labor wages and the lack of workers, construction enterprises began to realize that the advantage of cheap labor has begun to weaken. The proportion of labor cost in the direct cost of construction project increases year by year, but the increase of labor wage does not bring enough labor resources, and there are still some difficulties in recruiting workers and serious lack of work at the construction site. In order to help construction enterprises solve a series of problems caused by the rise of labor cost, this paper starts with looking for the influencing factors of labor cost rise, quantifies the index variables, establishes regression model, and accurately finds out the influencing factors of labor cost change. Based on the influencing factors, this paper analyzes the trend of labor cost change in the future, and puts forward some reasonable measures and suggestions for enterprises to deal with it. First of all, taking Chongqing as an example, this paper comprehensively investigates the present situation of labor cost of construction project. A large number of questionnaires and interviews were carried out from the aspects of labor supply and demand, basic quality of labor force, labor salary, working environment of construction site, overall change of labor cost and so on. From the comprehensive investigation, this paper recognizes the current situation of labor cost change and the impact, and combined with the literature and expert interviews, obtains the influencing factors of labor cost change. In order to further clarify the impact of these factors on labor cost, this paper through quantitative factor indicators, through the establishment of vector autoregression model (Vector Auto Regression-VAR) model, the identified elements are empirically identified, and accurately find out the influencing factors of labor cost change. Combined with the influencing factors, this paper forecasts and analyzes the future changing trend of labor cost, and puts forward some reasonable measures and suggestions for enterprises to deal with the future change of labor cost. In this paper, the method of qualitative and quantitative research is used, the theoretical model is used on the basis of comprehensive understanding of reality, and the relationship between influencing factors and research objectives is clarified by index and model. The purpose of this paper is to provide effective suggestions for the development of construction industry and enterprises.
[Abstract]:China's manufacturing, construction and other labor-intensive industries rely on a large number of cheap labor resources in the international comparative advantage. Since the reform and opening up, a large number of construction projects began to rise, the construction industry flourished. As a typical labor-intensive industry, the construction industry attracts a large number of rural migrant workers in the surplus labor force. These cheap rural surplus labor support the construction industry and the rapid development of China's economy. However, the large and cheap advantages of labor have begun to shift in recent years. The labor price rises year by year, the labor-intensive industry appears the labor supply insufficiency. With the rise of labor prices, the increase of labor wages and the lack of workers, construction enterprises began to realize that the advantage of cheap labor has begun to weaken. The proportion of labor cost in the direct cost of construction project increases year by year, but the increase of labor wage does not bring enough labor resources, and there are still some difficulties in recruiting workers and serious lack of work at the construction site. In order to help construction enterprises solve a series of problems caused by the rise of labor cost, this paper starts with looking for the influencing factors of labor cost rise, quantifies the index variables, establishes regression model, and accurately finds out the influencing factors of labor cost change. Based on the influencing factors, this paper analyzes the trend of labor cost change in the future, and puts forward some reasonable measures and suggestions for enterprises to deal with it. First of all, taking Chongqing as an example, this paper comprehensively investigates the present situation of labor cost of construction project. A large number of questionnaires and interviews were carried out from the aspects of labor supply and demand, basic quality of labor force, labor salary, working environment of construction site, overall change of labor cost and so on. From the comprehensive investigation, this paper recognizes the current situation of labor cost change and the impact, and combined with the literature and expert interviews, obtains the influencing factors of labor cost change. In order to further clarify the impact of these factors on labor cost, this paper through quantitative factor indicators, through the establishment of vector autoregression model (Vector Auto Regression-VAR) model, the identified elements are empirically identified, and accurately find out the influencing factors of labor cost change. Combined with the influencing factors, this paper forecasts and analyzes the future changing trend of labor cost, and puts forward some reasonable measures and suggestions for enterprises to deal with the future change of labor cost. In this paper, the method of qualitative and quantitative research is used, the theoretical model is used on the basis of comprehensive understanding of reality, and the relationship between influencing factors and research objectives is clarified by index and model. The purpose of this paper is to provide effective suggestions for the development of construction industry and enterprises.
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