Influence of Underwriters' Venture Capital:Empirical Evidenc
Influence of Underwriters' Venture Capital:Empirical Evidence from the Offering Price and Long-run Performance of IPO
【摘要】:The underwriters ' venture capital has been under controversy since it was permitted in China.Scholars and investors worry that underwriters may have noticeable incentive to sell securities at a higher offering price,which may eventually lead to poor long-run performance.By conducting rigorous empirical tests on a fraction of China's A-share market from October 21th,2009 to October 10th,2010,this paper aims at investigating the actual influence of underwriters' venture capital on the offering price and long-run performance of IPO.As a result,the empirical evidence gained from the testing period does not depict any obvious signs that underwriters' venture capital has substantial impact on the offering price and long-run performance of Initial Public Offerings.
1IntroductionUnderwriters'venture capital,i.e.,underwriters hasventure capital investment in the associated IPO firms.Inwestern countries,underwriters'venture capital hasbrought a lot of profit and become an important businessof investment banks.China st
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