本文关键词: B/S结构 评卷系统 误差控制 质量监控 风险预警 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:At present, due to the general promotion of paperless examination, the corresponding network marking system also came into being. The appearance of network marking system is a new kind of revolution in view of the traditional marking method, at the same time. It is also the mainstream of the current large-scale examination in China and the development direction of the future examination papers. Network marking can better ensure the principle of fair and just examination, and can improve the speed and quality of marking. It can provide valuable analysis data for the corresponding questions or questions, and bring great convenience for the information confidential management, score statistics and data use of each examination organization. It also greatly saves the cost of examination paper, which is of guiding significance to the examination. This paper combines with the application demand of Hebei Province leading cadre selection examination paper, after in-depth analysis and research. With the guidance of MVC design pattern, using B / S architecture and WAMP server software architecture to form a powerful Web application platform. Taking MySQL as the database, the paper has completed the examination and evaluation system for leading cadres, and the system has completed the marking work of the examiners and the effective management of the examiners. At the same time, error control and real-time monitoring are carried out to improve the speed and quality of marking. It realizes the network marking and ensures the fairness and effectiveness of the marking work. The main work and contribution of this paper are as follows: 1). According to Hebei Province leading cadres selection examination paper evaluation work can not only meet the marking work but also meet the actual needs of real-time monitoring of marking work. The system is designed as two subsystems: marking subsystem and marking management subsystem. The marking management subsystem is used for the administrator to log in, to manage the system and to monitor the marking process, etc.) according to the type of examination questions selected by the leading cadres, it is a subjective question, so as to be able to evaluate talents scientifically and objectively. To avoid the subjective factors of the examiners to cause misjudgment of the test papers, the paper adopts a multi-evaluation mechanism, and error control model is used for the evaluation results. Ensure the fairness and fairness of the marking work. 3) in the marking management subsystem added risk warning, marking quality control, marking progress check and other functional modules. Administrators can conduct early warning check on this module. The operation of overall grading control strengthens the construction and management of the marking system, and improves the work efficiency of the marking management.) the function and performance tests of the examination and evaluation system for leading cadres are carried out. Security testing and other testing links, the test results meet the actual needs of users. Experiments show that the network marking system has good stability, good interactive performance, using the network marking system. It can not only improve the efficiency of marking, guarantee the fairness and fairness of marking, but also lighten the management task of marking work, and facilitate the scientific statistical analysis of scoring process and results.
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