本文关键词: 音乐 Java Struts2 Web开发 出处:《天津大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the progress of the times, the Internet has gradually integrated into the lives of everyone, Has become an indispensable resource. In recent years, the development of mobile internet has led to the development of the online music industry. With the emergence of online music has gradually been recognized by everyone. In order to meet the needs of the network. The further demand for music, Such platforms as music websites have begun to emerge on the Internet. The websites are aimed at the vast number of Internet users and provide a broad and fair music sharing platform. The original music works website is a network music platform with sound friends, extensive contacts, and expanded audiovisual. It is the main medium for many music enthusiasts to access the latest music. It can provide online listening and downloading services for songs or music, and provide mutual communication for music lovers and creators. People can learn more music form through music website and expand the scope of original music communication. The content of this paper is the system design and development of original music works website. The system framework, database and other aspects are described in detail. The system development of this website starts with requirements analysis, and divides the requirements into functional requirements and non-functional requirements. The functional requirements list the five modules of the system function: the user registration and information management module, the music usage and management module, the search module, the service module and the website management module, and the non-functional requirements cover the user interface requirements. In addition, because the music works of this website are original music, in order to ensure that the music copyright is not stolen and the user information is not leaked, in the development process, This music website is divided into three core parts: model, view, controller. Through three-layer architecture: control presentation layer, business logic layer, the system is divided into three core parts: model, view, controller. According to the functional requirements of the system, the original music works website system is divided into two parts: front music use part and background management part. Provides music online play, music works recommendation, music works ranking and search functions. Background management part, for website administrators to provide music users and music works management functions. After the website system development, Has been successfully run and passed the test. The test shows that the original music works site meets the needs of users in terms of function and performance, and can be used safely.
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