本文关键词: 金融机构 信息安全 网络技术 可靠性 安全性 出处:《复旦大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the progress of the times, the development of science and technology, the financial industry has become the rapid development of information industry, the biggest beneficiaries in the industry, products, services, management, and other aspects of the risk to the computer and the network system. With the increasing reliance on the financial sector, the financial innovation and emerging products, behind the financial business and products in institutions to bring huge benefits, but also a huge hidden security risks. The transmission of information systems of financial institutions, storage of financial institutions are very important and secure the highest level of information, once the financial system attacks or system failure occurs, the consequences be unbearable to contemplate, serious may lead to national economy the paralysis and collapse and the international crisis. Although there is a large main agencies at home and abroad of the computer information system safety, emergency response speed to A high degree of attention to enhance the reliability of the whole system by using a variety of techniques and management measures, safety and emergency response speed. However, many financial institutions in the early construction of the enterprise backbone network architecture with less focus on the business security category, and financial institutions lack the necessary professional technology and the field of information security management personnel and effective management system, especially in the emergency handling ability of the security system under the emergency situation, not timely, effective, standardized use of the right way to respond, but often in the aftermath of a disaster to spend a lot of manpower, material resources to make up, do not take precautions to prevent this. Is the management of financial institutions and regulatory authorities are most reluctant to see the situation. This paper aims at the actuality of information security in the financial industry, the situation and development trend Starting, in-depth analysis of the importance of financial institutions to strengthen the information system security architecture, necessity and significance. From the angle of technology, the information security system, network security, prevention, detection, control, emergency response, management, evaluation and other aspects of the basic theory and implementation technique. Then in-depth analysis in the application of the technical the practice of China's financial industry, reveals the basic network, system architecture and deployment of backup system defects and risks. In order to solve the financial industry in the information security aspects of these problems, this paper introduced solutions, "information system security architecture planning and construction of financial institutions, from organization management and technical management the overall planning and construction. The integration of a variety of network security technology, including network security infrastructure, server storage architecture security technology, security technology and backup system is proposed. The unified financial enterprise core local area network construction, the overall structure of a clear financial enterprise core network and technology scheme; structure of financial enterprise core network planning idea of hierarchical and modular construction. From the fundamental solution, to enhance the financial security of enterprise information system management.
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