本文选题:多终端 切入点:HTML5 出处:《西北大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the mobile Internet, more and more people obtain information through the mobile Internet, and the proportion of mobile phone users to the total number of Internet users is very high. Accordingly, driven by "Internet education," The information teaching environment is the basic condition of developing information teaching, and the website is an important part of the information environment. The function of the website is becoming more and more abundant. The function of the website is not only to show itself, but also to perform the functions and improve the efficiency of the university personnel at all levels. Therefore, the construction of the website is of great significance. The quality of website construction is also one of the key indicators to measure the level and quality of running a university. However, at present, most colleges and universities still adopt the traditional model of independent construction of PC terminal app terminal and WAP terminal, and the support for multi-terminal is insufficient. The problems of repeated investment construction are more serious. Developing a group of university stations that support the integration of multi-terminals can solve the problems of multi-terminal and repeated construction of university websites. This paper introduces the design process and realization process of multi-terminal integrated university station group. Firstly, it discusses the process of website construction and the realization principle of multi-terminal and multi-site. This paper analyzes and combs the demand of university website group system with multi-terminal integration. Secondly, it designs the system from the point of view of multi-terminal station group system. Finally, The realization and simple test of the multi-terminal university station group have been carried out. The results of the implementation include the Web platform, the multi-terminal adapted station group management platform and the multi-site browsing application, the app version of the Web and the site group management platform. The realization can be directly applied to the station group platform of colleges and universities, It is of great practical significance to the construction of university website group.
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