本文选题:空间网络 + 个体声誉 ; 参考:《天津理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Although cooperative behavior exists widely in nature and human social systems, according to Darwin's theory of biological evolution, cooperation is not an optimal strategy.Therefore, how to explain the emergence of cooperative behavior in academia has been a hot topic.The evolutionary game theory provides a powerful framework for explaining the evolutionary process of cooperative behavior.With the rapid development of cloud computing technology and big data era, there are a large number of available services in the network.Therefore, the focus of the user is no longer the availability of the service, but the quality of the service. Now the user has put forward new requirements to the recommendation system.In order to explain the role of individual reputation in the game of public goods, two new models are proposed and a lot of experiments are carried out to illustrate the evolution of cooperative behavior in grid network.Two new recommendation methods are designed to increase the diversity of service lists.The main research contents and innovative research results include the following aspects: 1) A new evolutionary game model considering individual reputation is proposed to explore the evolution process of cooperative behavior in space public goods game.The model is based on individual utility, and the strategy state is updated asynchronously according to Fermi rule, where individual utility is defined as the product of the power function of game income and reputation value.A large number of simulation experiments show that when reputation is cited into utility, cooperative behavior is significantly improved. 2) exploring the evolutionary game of public goods game in spatial network after introducing reputation reasoning mechanism.In the process of game evolution, the individual reputation is mainly determined by the individuals corresponding to the upper and lower layers in the dependent network, and in the strategy update stage, according to the average value, larger value and smaller value of the neighbor reputation in the two-layer network,Choose the neighbor you want to learn.A large number of simulation results show that, compared with the traditional game model of public goods, the three kinds of reputation computing rules can effectively improve the cooperation rate.Among them, the average value and the smaller value scheme are better than the larger value scheme.The detailed formation process and reputation distribution of clusters show the nuances of the three rules in selecting individuals according to reputation value. Two new recommendation algorithms are developed.Under the condition of ensuring the accuracy of recommendation list, the diversity of recommended services in the list is further improved to reduce the risk of improper service recommendation.The experimental results show that the proposed recommendation algorithm can not only keep the same time complexity as the original algorithm, but also obtain more optimized recommendation results.
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